Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (26)

I just think this Kaia pose is pretty funny:


  1. She is so adorable!

    Pop by my blog for some other kitty pics, if you feel so inclined!

  2. Too cute, she looks very comfortable!

  3. The key is the bed. It props her up nicely!

  4. I often wonder why they don't make cat beds for the plus size cat!

  5. Kaia needs a bigger bed - does she realise you have a couch? ;-)

  6. She looks comfortable even though she isn't in the middle of the rug. It's amazing where cats lay it seems to always be something different.


  7. I can't help but feel like those cats have a bit of ferret in them. They look so pliable and squishy!


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