Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (28)

It's been really warm in Frankfurt lately, and the kittehs have been spending lots of time on the balcony.  Emmy likes to curl up in the flower pots.

And Lu and Kaia want in on the fun too.


  1. It looks like you need to buy another flower pot!

  2. Yeah, Kaia does look a little left out doesn't she?

  3. party!!!! that was my first thought, which is funny since they're sleeping (mostly).

  4. LOL, you need another pot for Kaia! (love how Emmy fits herself into the pot neatly but Lu hasn't figured that out yet) What will the kittehs do when the pots are full of flowers?

  5. How true, Melissa! Lu looks like he's looking for a few tips. They don't have to worry about the pots being full. We haven't planted flowers in those for years.

  6. What is it about cats and containers? Every time there is an open an empty container around here, the cats are in it!

  7. Kitten plants! Maybe with a little water and love, more will pop up.

  8. Aw - your little kitty flowers are just too cute!

  9. How cute! hopefully there were no plants in there to get smothered!

  10. This is too cute. Cats always want in tight spots. They are adorable.


  11. Aww! Little kitty plants :) I agree with Kathy-looks like you need another flower pot!

  12. LOL I agree with the others you need a third flower pot!

  13. I would like some flowers like that!! LOL!

  14. HA! If it makes them happy to be slumming it then I say more power to them :)


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