Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (31)

Due to some technical issues with both my PC laptop and my camera, I was unable to get Cat Tuesday up yesterday.  Internet Explorer & Firefox both refuse to work with any site that requires SSL/login.  I've tried everything I can think of to fix them, but to no avail.

In any case, I tried to wrangle up the cats and snap them with Photo Booth on my MacBook Air.  I won't show you the pictures of Lu or Emmy since all you see are blurs of white fur, but here's Kaia - grumpy but semi-willing to show her face.


  1. Aww...cute kitty! Thanks for this post. It made me smile. :)

  2. Yeah, she looks like she'd be gone if you weren't holding on to her.

  3. Oh my, yes, she does look a little grumpy!

  4. She's still cute, even if not entirely happy.

  5. Yeah, you're getting the ear-tilt. Beware.

  6. Can I just say: I NEVER get sick of your cat pictures any day of the week. Love 'em!

  7. she looks a little less than thrilled, but still adorable!

  8. Grumpy and semi-willing, but she's still beautiful!

  9. Aw, I love the grumpy kitty! :)


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