Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Book Review: The Twisted Thread by Charlotte Bacon

When popular Claire Harkness is found dead in her dorm room at Armitage Academy, students and faculty are shocked. English Dept Intern Madeline finds herself at the center of the investigation which takes some bizarre turns.

THE TWISTED THREAD is not what I expected.  It's a slow burn of a thriller that focuses on the reactions and lives of the adult faculty at a prestigious boarding school.  Maybe it's because of all my YA reading, but I felt myself wanting to know more about what the students felt more than the adults.  I think I also expected more of a scandal or shock a la THE SECRET HISTORY or SPECIAL TOPICS IN CALAMITY PHYSICS but this is a different sort of book.  More contemplative and concerned with dissecting the topics of tradition, privilege and wealth.

Look for it on its release date of June 14, 2011 and check out the book on GoodReads.


  1. This sounds like my kind of thriller. I'm really into slower chases rather than super speedy, breakneck books.

  2. I think I might enjoy this one more than you did.

  3. sounds interesting. I think I might like it, but I don't know if it's a perfect SUMMER type read you know?


  4. I just finished this book, and I really liked it. I did really want to know what the kids were all thinking too, but then there would have been no mystery! Mysteries are only fun from the point of view of the person left in the dark who's trying to figure out what really happened. :)

  5. I really want to read this one!

  6. I have this book up for review soon, and was glad to see your review because I knew very little about it. It actually sounds a lot lie Arcadia Falls, which is a book that I enjoyed a lot. I am sorry to hear that it wasn't what you had been expecting though.

  7. I would probably have wanted to know more of what the students were thinking, too -- and I'm sure that is partially because of a YA background! :)

  8. I have this one from Netgalley. I was thinking it would be from the students POV/A Secret History type book. Nevertheless, I'll give it a go and see what I think!

  9. This sounds like the sort of book I would really enjoy. thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  10. I've been looking forward to this one - I love a slow paced thriller!

  11. I'm reading this book now for review. I like the fact that it's from varying viewpoints and is not a YA. It's fun to read something adult and not always for teens. The mystery is awesome. It's extremely entwined...very much a twisted thread.


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