Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Buffalo Release Day (and obligatory cat picture)

Today you can finally find TEACH YOUR BUFFALO TO PLAY DRUMS by Audrey Vernick, illustrated by my husband Daniel Jennewein out in the wild!

You can order the book on amazon.

And like his drumming page on Facebook.

And add him to your to-read list on GoodReads.

Since today is Tuesday, you also get a cat picture.  But not of my cats - just a wild Argentine cat who hopped on my lap in the botanical garden in Buenos Aires earlier this month.  Enjoy!


  1. Yay for release day! I'm also blown away that this feral cat jumped up and snuggled with you. My daughter would have been in heaven. In Poland, she actually strolled around looking for cats to love.

  2. Congrats on the release..what an exciting day!! And that cat looks pretty tame to me!! LOL!

  3. Yay! Happy release day! I hope the book does very well!

    Also, I love how random kitties just hop in your lap for love!

  4. How sweet that you got some kitty love while you were traveling.

    Oh, and congrats to your husband.

  5. ordered my book from Amazon on Tuesday! Can't wait to get it!

  6. That cat is almost as big as a buffalo! :)

    Congratulations to Daniel!


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