Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (34)

Emmy doesn't like thunderstorms!


  1. It looks like Emmy's guarding your cupboards. That Rice Chex looks suspiciously American.

  2. CoCo doesn't like thunderstorms either, but she hides under the bed!

  3. My cat loves to live on shelves too! Emmy is cute, as always!

  4. Seriously, her facial expression does look scared. And I don't blame her for not liking them :)

  5. Evidently Rice Chex makes her feel more secure? :)

  6. It looks like she has the perfect hiding place among the boxes of Rice Chex!

  7. Looks like she picked an interesting hiding place. Our dog always head to the basement.

  8. It was nice of her, fear and all, to color coordinate her white and browns with the shelving and plants. Very nice. Our doggies hate t-storms, too. :O/

  9. Aw! I hope Emmy felt safe in her hidey-hole! :D


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