Monday, July 11, 2011

Book Review: Possum Summer by Jen K. Blom

P isn't allowed to have any pets, so when she rescues a baby possum, she knows she has to hide him from her older sister and mother, and get him ready to survive in the wild before her father returns from combat duty in Iraq.

The voice in POSSUM SUMMER captivates with its authenticity and middle graders will learn a lot about life on the farm here.  The novel explores responsibility, loss and family relationships in a sensitive and heartbreaking way.  It also made me want to carry around a possum close to my chest inside a sports bra (like P does). Be aware - there is quite a bit of death involved, but that is the way of nature after all.

POSSUM SUMMER is available now.  Find out more about it at the author's website.


  1. This sounds like a tear jerker. I have a feeling I'd love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG adorable. You couldn't get away with carrying an Aussie possum around in your bra though. Too many claws!

  4. I might like this one as well, though I don't do many middle grade reads. I love the part about putting the possum in your bra. It might be a bit of a dicey proposition!


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