Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (40)

I've decided this will be the last Cat Tuesday until Sept 6th, to make room for Dystopian August.  During previous months, I've tried to make Cat Tuesday fit the theme.  So for example - for the following picture of Lu, I might say:  "Looks like Lu enjoyed CROSSED by Ally Condie so much that he CROSSED his paws - lol!"  But ... I don't want to do that to you.  You're welcome ;)


  1. I will miss Cat Tuesdays, but it is for the greater good! Such a proper kitty.

  2. I'll miss Cat Tuesdays too, but with the line-up you have for Dystopian August, I totally understand this feature has to go! Lu is beautiful. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next month!

  3. He looks so stately taking a nap there. You have some beautiful cats, Lenore.

  4. Le cat is so stately and beautiful. I too will miss the cat pics, but something to look forward to in September.

  5. You picked a terrific photo to say goodbye to Cat Tuesday until September! At least Lu doesn't seem at all perplexed by your news!

  6. Aww, cute kitty. Love it!


  7. I will be missing Cat Tuesday for the time being, but I really can't wait for Dystopian August!

  8. Cute. :) I am looking forward to Dystopian August!


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