Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cover Reveal for Hilary Graham's Reunited

I have the great pleasure of premiering the cover for Hilary Graham's upcoming novel REUNITED.  Not only is Hilary a fellow Apocaylpsie, she and I share the same editor at Simon & Schuster and we've gotten to hang out at Book Blogger Con and in Boston just recently.  But I am seriously excited for this novel for other reasons too: A) there's a road trip!  B) to see a rock band! C) the rock band is called Level3 (how cool is THAT?!) D) I am so into contemporary YA right now E) it just sounds awesome.

Here's the synopsis:

Coming from Simon & Schuster - June 12, 2012

1 Concert
 2,000 Miles
 3 Ex-Best Friends

Alice, Summer, and Tiernan are ex-best friends.

Back in middle school, the three girls were inseparable. They were also the number one fans of the rock band Level3.

But when the band broke up, so did their friendship. Summer ran with the popular crowd, Tiernan was a rebellious wild-child, and Alice spent high school with her nose buried in books.

Now, just as the girls are about to graduate, Level3 announces a one-time-only reunion show.

Even though the concert’s 2000 miles away, Alice buys three tickets on impulse. And as it turns out, Summer and Tiernan have their own reasons for wanting to get out of town. Good thing Alice’s graduation gift (a pea-green 1976 VW camper van know as the Pea Pod) is just the vehicle to get them there.

But on the long drive cross-country, the girls hit more than a few bumps in the road. Will their friendship get an encore or is the show really over?

And here's the cover!

Add REUNITED to your GoodReads wishlist

A bit about Hilary Graham:

Hilary Weisman Graham is an award-winning filmmaker, screenwriter, and novelist.She lives in rural New Hampshire with her husband and son, roughly thirty minutes away from the nearest grocery store.

Twitter: @HilaryGraham


  1. A roadtrip, ex-friendship and a band on their last concert? What's not to love! Thanks for sharing. This has my complete attention now! :D

  2. Perfect cover!! Congratulations, Hilary!

  3. A novel revolving around a friendship? Awesome! Definitely going on my list.

  4. Great cover! And a novel about friendship and road trips...awesome!

  5. Sounds fantastic! Can't wait to read and LOVE the cover!

  6. Fantastic cover! The tagline will be excellent in sparking a teen to take it off of the shelf. Congrat's!!!

  7. Congratulations, Hilary! The cover is so fun & the tagline amazing!

  8. I love it ... so very eye-catching! Congratulations!!

  9. The cover fits the story perfectly. This sounds like such a fantastic read! I'm definitely putting it on my wishlist.

  10. Eye-catching, but I wish they had included the '76 VW camper!

  11. Gorgeous, Hilary! It's so bright, so much fun, and the tagline at the top is perfect. I do miss the VW van! Can they sneak it onto the back? Congrats; you must be so thrilled!

  12. Ooh, this one looks adorable. Most definitely going on my Wishlist! I love a good road trip story.

  13. Um, this has me written all over it! And such a great cover too! Can't wait to read it :)

  14. That is the best cover!!! It fits perfectly with the description.

  15. The cover is so cute! I love it! Can't wait for this!

  16. Oh, the prospects of a road trip between three former friends sounds like it is ripe for possibilities and now I am sort of excited for this one to come out too! I also love that the van is called the "pea-pod" that is awesome. Thanks for sharing this with us, Lenore! Another book to add to my ever growing list!

  17. I love road trip novels! Haha, this reallly reminds me of that Britney Spears movie Crossroads though. :P

  18. Who do those legs belong to? Where are they going? I'll die if I don't find out soon.

  19. This totally looks like a movie poster! Well-done, S&S!


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