Monday, October 31, 2011

Book Review: You Are My Only by Beth Kephart

20 year old Emmy Rane's baby is kidnapped one day and it tears her life apart.  14 year old Sophie has never had friends or roots because her mother is constantly moving her from town to town. In this novel featuring alternating narratives, Emmy and Sophie both long for freedom.

I got this via NetGalley, so my eGalley is expired - otherwise, this review would be full of excerpts because I adored Beth's writing.  I'm not exaggerating when I say I got slightly drunk on her prose.  She has such a unique way of looking at the world - describing ordinary things and emotions with such clarity and beauty. 

Of the two narratives, I enjoyed Sophie's the most.  I loved her tentative interactions with neighbor boy Joey and his aunts, and how her fear of her mother making them move again really upped the tension.  I wouldn't call this the most accessible of Beth's novels, but the patient reader will find it richly rewarding.

YOU ARE MY ONLY is available now.  Find out more about it at Beth's website.


  1. Loved this, too. Beth's words always make me feel like I'm eating a nourishing meal.

  2. I'm dying to read this book now.

  3. I'm still waiting for my hard copy of this one to arrive. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  4. That is a perfect description of Beth's writing...something you can get drunk on. Her writing also seems to have smells and flavors too. I can't wait to read this one.

  5. I really need to read this one!

  6. I am so excited about this book and have heard people raving about it for a few weeks now. It will be my first Kephart, and I am really looking forward to it. So glad to hear that it was such an amazing read for you. It sounds wonderful! Happy Halloween Lenore!

  7. Kephart does have a way with words. Her words always make me want to slow down and observe the world more closely.

  8. I love the "drunk on prose" part too! This sounds like a rad I'd love. Yay for awesome prose! Bottoms up! =)

  9. Lenore, only now did I see this — only now. Thank you so much for your words and for taking the time to read in the midst of all the other things you are doing. xob

  10. I have just had the most wonderful week-end with this amazing story (just finishing last night)! In a short number of pages I was completely pulled in! As I read it, I likened this book to one of my delicious chocolate bars, but a treat that would not be so quickly gone. The balance of tension and suspense and relief in the two story-lines was masterful, Beth's descriptive words, brilliant! And the way she portrays these characters was, for me, story magic! Fifty sticky tabs are sticking out from my favorite spots and phrases. I will soon be rereading it, and using it as a "how to write fabulous fiction" textbook!


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