Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (47)

Kaia snuggles up with the vacuum cleaner ...


  1. I love that you caught this picture in mid-lick! Great photo!

  2. Now if you could just teach him how to run the vacuum!

  3. You snapped that picture at just the right time! Love it.

  4. I think my cats feel the vacuum is a demon monster put on this earth to eat them and steal their food. They wouldn't touch it, even if it wasn't running, with a ten foot pole. Your cats seem so much more balanced than mine...

  5. Love this! So adorable and funny. Our cat is petrified of the vacuum cleaner and we sometimes have a little fun with that. lol. *is a horrible pet owner*


  6. Yes, but will they go near it when it is on? I would be very impressed!

  7. Hahaha wow, that's quite a facial statement about the vacum cleaner!

  8. HA! That cat has some serious personality.


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