Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (50)

My, what big paws you have Lu!

All the better catch toys with ...


  1. Wouldn't want those claws catching up with me!

  2. Oh and its such a tall kitten too. Your cats do exactly what they are supposed to do. We have had cat condo type things and they ignore them. They would rather use the stairs.

  3. He looks like he is having a great time in there! What great cats you have!

  4. Your other cat looks like he may be about to pounce!

  5. Emmy is just looking at him like, "You're embarrassing me." lol. Such a cute picture. :D


  6. It is always nice when cats actually play with the toys bought for them...

  7. Love it!! Cats are too fun to watch!

  8. It's play time! Cats can get sooo long when they're trying to get something!

  9. Cute pictures, as always! Love keeping up with your kittehs!


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