Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (53)

Our cats tend to like to be in the same room as we are.  So when evening comes and we feel like watching a bit of TV, the cats join us.  Most of the time, they're more entertaining than what's on the tube.


  1. I'm amazed that you have so many pictures of them doing so many funny things, week after week. Such entertaining kitties.

  2. I bet they think you like to be in the same room as them instead of the other way around.

  3. Sometimes my cats watch TV with us in the living room but they're much more likely to lounge with me when I am in the bedroom.

  4. They look as if they consider all others beneath them!! LOL!! I love their attitudes :D

  5. It is not hard to be more entertaining than the tube... Cute picture!

  6. But one is missing! :( That one's not into television?

  7. They are adorable! I bet they are distracting! :)

  8. I love your kitties, and can imagine that there is not a lot of T.V. watching while they are in the room being so adorably distracting!

  9. I think I say this everytime I see them: beautiful cats :-)

  10. I wonder where the third one is?


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