Friday, February 24, 2012

Apocalypsies Starter Pack Giveaway #5: Dystopian Edition (International)

2012 is upon us and that means lots of great Apocalypsies debuts including a little book of mine called LEVEL 2!

All through the year, I am giving away starter packs so you can get reading some of these fabulous novels. Starter pack #4 was won by Iris from the Netherlands and today I have Starter pack #5 on offer.

Starter pack #5 includes:

STRUCK by Jennifer Bosworth (ARC)

ARTICLE 5 by Kristen Simmons (ARC)


+ Chapter sampler and 5 signed bookmarks from Lissa Price's STARTERS
+ 5 ARTICLE 5 postcards

ALSO, because this is the Dystopian February Edition of the Starter Packs, you get the following dystopian (non-Apocalypsie) swag:

- 5 bookmarks from Megan Crewe's THE WAY WE FALL
- 5 signed bookmarks from Beth Revis's ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
- 3 bookmarks from Suzanne Collins' MOCKINGJAY
- 1 signed bookmark and rubber bracelet from Mary E. Pearson's THE FOX INHERITANCE


2 runners-up will get:

+ Chapter sampler and 5 signed bookmarks from Lissa Price's STARTERS
+ 5 ARTICLE 5 postcards
+ 1 THE WAY WE FALL bookmark

To enter, fill out this form by March 6, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST. Open internationally. Shipped by me.


  1. I've be wanting to read Article 5 and The Selection so this giveaway is perfect.

  2. Holy. This giveaway is AMAZING!! Want to win it so so so so so so so so so so so much. <3 The books seems amazing. And the swag! *dies* Keeping my fingers crossed :) Thank you for this giveaway. <3
    Love, Carina

  3. Thank you for the awesome giveaway. I've been wanting to read these books so bad!

  4. You're awesome!
    Thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway and for making it International :)
    The Selection!!!

  5. I want to read all of these so badly!

    February and August are totally my favorite months because of the Dystopian love.

  6. Awesome giveaway, thanks! I am especially excited about reading The Selection!

  7. Super exciting giveaway today, Lenore! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  8. I keep thinking I've got to win something from Dystopian February sooner or later - here's hoping!

  9. I love your blog.
    Thanks for doing these.
    I've read most of these and have too many books to read right now, so I'm not going to enter the contest, but I do love your blog!

  10. Amazing giveaway! Thank you so much.

  11. Awesome prizes, thanks so much for the chance to win. I loved the interview of the next post.

  12. They are all look great!!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  13. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
    i can't wait 2 read struck

  14. Thank youuu so much for this EPIC giveaway!! :D


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