Friday, February 10, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: A Million Suns by Beth Revis

This review contains spoilers for ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, if you haven't read that yet, please see my ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (mini) review instead.

I've already talked a lot about the excellent atmosphere Revis creates in A MILLION SUNS over at the League of Extraordinary Writers: basically she makes it vital that Amy and Elder get off the ship -- which is a huge problem since they're stuck in the middle of space, decades away from their destination.  That's some WOW tension right there.

But what I also really loved (and why this book gets the Twisty Zombie Chicken Merit Badge) was how the plot felt fresh and surprising. Lots of good reveals and reversals - and a bunch of mysterious clues to follow.  Very fun.

The romance between Amy and Elder wasn't at all the focus of the first book, but here we explore their relationship further.  Amy's still a bit resentful that Elder unfroze her early and unsure if she should be with Elder just because he's the only one available her age.  Elder get flack for paying attention to Amy when people feel he should be taking care of business on the ship.

So looking forward to the final book in the trilogy.

Series order:

ACROSS THE UNIVERSE - out in paperpack
A MILLION SUNS - out in hardcover
SHADES OF EARTH - coming January 2013

Find out more about the series at the author's website.

Thanks to Penguin, I have one grand prize of an ACROSS THE UNIVERSE paperback + A MILLION SUNS hardcover as well as ARCs of A MILLION SUNS for (4) additional winners.  Contest is open until 11:59 pm CST on February 17, 2012. US and Canada only. Enter via this form.

See index of all dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: I received this book for review from the publisher.


  1. Thanks so much for the giveaway. I'd love to win A Million Suns!

  2. I like the sound of this series, and would love to read it. (I entered on the form). I'm always looking for SciFi written by women, scifi that includes spaceships, space travel and gadgets. Love the SciFi gadgets. :)

  3. I need to get started with this series. I've met Revis a couple of times since she doesn't live too far from me.

  4. I just pulled this book and the first one out of my stack, and will be reading them soon. Everyone says that this is an incredible series, and I can't wait to see what I think. Good luck to all the entrants!

  5. Yay, thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! It's such an awesome contest, and best of luck to all who enter! Beth Revis is an amazing author, and anyone would be beyond lucky to win her books. :)

  6. I've seen reviews of this book around and I'm pretty excited to read it.

  7. Godspeed is an awesome story backdrop! Just reading about it in Across the Universe was really interesting. Ready for some twists and turns.

  8. Thanks for the giveaway! And mysterious clues are always good in my book. :)

  9. I've been so eager to read this series!!! Talk about getting awesome reviews, A Million Suns is on my want list so thank you very much for the sweet giveaway :D

    GFC Mary DeBorde (M.A.D.)
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

  10. I have this book requested from the library. I am just waiting my turn...

  11. I have heard such great things about this series. I really need to start reading it soon!

  12. Across the Universe was such a great book - I'd love to win a copy of A Million Suns. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  13. I read this and thought it was pretty good! Not as good as Across the Universe but that's ok.

    And thanks for this giveaway :)

  14. I love the world building and technology on the ship too. It's a lovely mixture of creepy and awesome. And well, Vacuum tubes are never not cool.

  15. I just finished Across the Universe and now I can't wait to get my hands on this one!

  16. This book sounds amazing! I read Across the Universe last month and can't wait to get my hands on this one! Great Review!

  17. I love this book! It's totally amazing!

  18. I don't want to read reviews about this book cause I'm avoiding spoilers lol
    I really liked Across the Universe and this one seems so great as well!

  19. I adore this series!!! A Million Suns was even better than ATU IMO. I enjoyed all the great twists!! Definitely excited for Shades of Earth :D


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