Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Upcoming Dystopian Sequels (2012/13)

A lot of the dystopian lit coming out these days is in the form of series books, usually trilogies, but sometimes even longer.

And it can be FUN to follow a series, but it can also be frustrating to have to wait so long between books.

Which ones I am impatiently waiting for?

First let's look at 2012 releases:

It doesn't have a final cover yet, but I like the sound of OUTPOST by Ann Aguirre, sequel to ENCLAVE (see my review).  It's due Sept 4, 2012 from Feiwel & Friends, and you can see the summary and read the first two chapters at the author's website. Add OUTPOST to Goodreads.

I really enjoyed SHIPBREAKER by Paolo Bacigalupi (see my review), so it's no secret I'm excited for THE DROWNED CITIES - due from Little, Brown on May 1, 2012. Add THE DROWNED CITIES to Goodreads.

Also no final cover yet, but I'm dying to read SHADOWS by Ilsa J. Bick, sequel to ASHES (see my review). It's set to release Sept 11, 2012 from Egmont. Add SHADOWS to Goodreads.

THE TWELVE by Justin Cronin, sequel to THE PASSAGE (see my review) is finally coming out Dec. 18, 2012. Add THE TWELVE to Goodreads.

After the stunning 2nd book PRIZED (see my review), I can't wait to read PROMISED by Caragh O'Brien (the final book in the BIRTHMARKED trilogy - due October 2, 2012 from Roaring Brook Press. Add PROMISED to Goodreads.

STARTERS by Lissa Price (see my review) was one of the most entertaining novels I've read in a long time, so all the better that we get the sequel this year too! ENDERS is set for December 12, 2012 from Random House. Add ENDERS to Goodreads. (No cover yet)

I've preordered my copy of INSURGENT by Veronica Roth (sequel to DIVERGENT), only a little over 2 months to wait for the May 1st release. (HarperCollins)  Add INSURGENT to Goodreads.

UNWHOLLY by Neal Shusterman, the long awaited sequel to UNWIND has a release date of August 28, 2012! (Simon & Schuster) No cover yet, but you can add UNWHOLLY to Goodreads.

FEEDBACK by Robison Wells is the sequel to the incredibly twisty VARIANT (see my review). On October 1, 2012, will we find out what the heck is going on? (HarperCollins) Add FEEDBACK to Goodreads.

BLOOD RED ROAD by Moira Young (see my review) surprised me by how much I liked it (see my review), so I'm very interested to see where REBEL HEART takes us. Due Oct 30, 2012 from Simon & Schuster. Add REBEL HEART to Goodreads.

BECAUSE IT IS MY BLOOD by Gabrielle Zevin is the follow-up to ALL THESE THINGS I'VE DONE (see my review) and I need to get my hands on this now! Due Sept 18, 2012 from FSG. Add BECAUSE IT IS MY BLOOD to Goodreads. (No cover yet)

And also:

REACHED by Ally Condie, third in the MATCHED series (due Nov 2012)
PATRIOT by Marie Lu, sequel to LEGEND (due Nov 2012)
SURRENDER by Elana Johnson, sequel to POSSESSION (due June 2012)
ONCE by Anna Carey, sequel to EVE (due July 2012)

2013 releases:

THE ESSENCE by Kimberly Derting (Sequel to THE PLEDGE) - Jan 1, 2013
SHADES OF EARTH by Beth Revis (last in the ACROSS THE UNIVERSE trilogy) - Jan 2013 
FUSED by Julianna Baggott (Sequel to PURE) - Feb 2013
UNRAVEL ME by Tahereh Mafi (Sequel to SHATTER ME) - Feb 2013
REQUIEM by Lauren Oliver (last in the DELIRIUM trilogy) - Feb 2013
FRAGMENTS by Dan Wells (sequel to PARTIALS) - early 2013

Plus, the sequels to
INCARNATE by Jodi Meadows
UNDER THE NEVER SKY by Veronica Rossi
GLITCH by Heather Anastasiu
WITHER and FEVER by Lauren DeStefano
THE WAY WE FALL by Megan Crewe

OMG - I'm going to be spending all my time reading sequels, aren't I?  What sequels are you most looking forward to?


  1. Okay you're torturing me with all these great books. I can't wait for Insurgent and for Surrender, the companion book to Possession by Elana Johnson.

  2. Thank you so much. I need to keep track of what's coming up. I'm really looking forward to Delirium and Insurgent. I had no idea that Enders is being released this year too.

  3. I never knew that Enclave would have a sequel. Though I haven't read Enclave. Some reviews are convincing to read it. (Does anyone would care to send me a copy? LOL)

  4. Ahhhhh! The Drowned Cities!!!! And Outpost!!!! Those are 2 sequels that I completely forgot would even exist! Plus, so many, many, many more good ones: Promised, Insurgent, Feedback, UNWHOLLY (didn't even remember Unwind would have a sequel!). Thanks for this round-up post!

  5. Wow, there's so much to look forward to! I'm especially excited for Unwholly, as I found Unwind to be a very haunting read. I'd forgotten it would have a sequel!

    BTW, I've been absolutely loving your posts this month. Thanks so much! With the help of your posts, I've fully updated and overhauled my working list of 50+ years of YA Dystopias.

  6. I am really looking forward to the Moira Young. Last I looked it didn't even have a title let alone a cover, so thanks for the info!

  7. I think I am most excited by the Cronin book, but the sequel to Divergent also entices me. Thanks for sharing all these with us! Now I know what to be looking forward to!

  8. Unwholly finally has a date! I'm going to have to reread that (darn) so I can have it fresh in my mind.

  9. Thanks for listing all these, there is going to be loads to read!!

  10. This update is awesome. It makes me so excited for the sequels coming out! Thanks for sharing, it's much appreciated!

  11. Soooo excited for Unwholly!! And I know I'm already thinking ahead to 2013, for Taken by Erin Bowman, that book just sounds amazing :) Thanks for this post and heads up for all the amazing titles coming out!

  12. The sequels i'm really looking forward to are:
    Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (sequel to Cinder)
    Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi (sequel to Under the Never Sky)
    Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor (sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone)
    And the sequel to Susan Ee's Angelfall wich doesn't have a title yet

  13. I am not familiar with most of these... Gah have some catching up to do!!

  14. I absolutely can not wait for The Twelve! The Passage was my fav read of 2011!! So glad I didn't read it in 2010 and have to wait 2 years!!!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  15. There are so many I want to read! Especially the Moira Young. I'm looking forward to the Burn for Burn series from Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian b/c they're coming from a realistic fiction background.

  16. Just want to tell you that I LOVE dystopian Febuary on your site! You are such a great blogger and reviewer. Thanks for posting all of these sequels in one spot. I know I'll be referring back to this post frequently over the next year.

  17. I wish I didn't have to wait so long for Pure's sequel!

  18. LOVE this list! I'm excited for almost every single book on here. But especially the Drowned Cities.
    psst... 2013 is our year.

  19. Wow, lots of neat sequels to look forward to!


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