Monday, March 26, 2012

Apocalypsies Love Book Review: Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood

Apocalypsies Love is all about me telling you what I loved about a 2012 debut book written by one of the amazing Apocalypsies. I also chat with the author to gain insight into their very favorite parts of their creation.

Today I am spotlighting BORN WICKED, a historial/paranormal about a witch who needs to protect herself and two younger sisters in a repressive New England society.  In order not to attract undue attention to her sisters, Cate must appear at society functions, agree to marry someone soon (even though her heart may lie elsewhere) and keep all magic a secret.

Immediately after reading this, I complied a list of things to love:

Fascinating alt history with repressive society (lots of gender politics to explore)

Secret passageway + darkness + first kiss = HOT!

Pretty dresses & fancy teas

Responsible main character who'd do anything for her sisters and proves it

Killer climax and ending that left me dying for book 2, STAR CURSED.

I'm also thrilled that Jessica is here today to tell us all about things she loves about her book.

What is your favorite scene in the book?
My favorite scene is Cate's first kiss, which takes place in a secret room in Belastra's bookshop. It's pretty swoony, if I do say so myself. I was delighted that Penguin chose to feature it in the BORN WICKED book trailer!

My fave too - as I mentioned above. What is your favorite line in the book?
The first line: Our mother was a witch too, but she hid it better. It was the first line from the very beginning. When I first conceived of BW, it was the first sentence that came to me in Cate's voice, presenting her troubles (dead mother, sisters, need to hide their magic), so it's special to me.

What setting was most fun to write?
I loved writing the gazebo scene between Finn and Cate. Fun fact: my first kiss with my husband was in a waterfront gazebo in our college town, where he proposed to me years later! I also had lots of fun with the creepy cemetery scene, playing around with the midnight-coven-meeting setting. I think it's quite spooky, even before you add in the mad oracle in their midst.

Who is your favorite supporting character - one you could see getting a spin-off book - and why?
Sachi! I love that there is so much depth to her, that she is clever and funny and deeply, deeply loyal beneath that carefully-maintained facade of the perfect, cabbage-headed daughter of the Brotherhood. She has so many secrets -- even more than Cate, actually. She wasn't initially intended to be such a major character but now I find her fascinating. I don't think there will be any spin-off books, but I'd love to write a story about her; there's some important stuff is going on with her between BORN WICKED and the sequel that Cate isn't privy to.

What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?
The Breathless Reads tour! I love the other Breathless girls (Andrea Cremer, Marie Lu, Beth Revis), touring with them was so fun, and and meeting readers was amazing. I am still just thrilled to pieces whenever I hear that someone's read my book, so meeting readers in person who told me how much they loved BW -- I treasured that. 

Thanks Jessica!
BORN WICKED is available now. Find out more about it at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: I received an ARC from the publisher at the Frankfurt Book Fair. I have had dinner more than once with Jessica and plan to again :)


  1. Oh, oh, oh I really need to read Born Wicked! I don't think I've seen a review with even a titch of negativity yet. Plus, that cover. Gorgeous.

  2. I have this book, and am really excited about reading it. It has been hailed from some of my favorite bloggers, and I think the story sounds really interesting. Great review and interview today!

  3. I finally got my hands on a copy of this book! Now I really can't wait to start it!


  4. First kiss in a bookstore? Heck yes!

  5. This is one of the books I won from you and I'm very excited to read that there are lots of gender politics issues to be explored :)


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