Saturday, June 23, 2012

Level 2 Winners + Another Level 2 Giveaway!

I'm usually pretty bad about announcing giveaway winners here on the blog (I contact them via e-mail and pass their addresses on to the publishers), but today I'm super excited to announce the winners of the three ARCs from LEVEL 2 cover reveal week!

The first winner is Lexie from the super cute blog Still Waiting for Books to Come True. Lexie got her copy of LEVEL 2 already, and in this vlog, she talks about how excited she is to win it and that she's taking it with her on her trip to Hawaii.  YAY! Congrats to Lexie and also to LEVEL 2, because I'll tell you right now, my book loves to travel!

The second winner is Brooke from Brooke Reports. On her blog she claims she spends all day dreaming about fictional boys, and when I told her she'd won LEVEL 2, she requested that Julian hand deliver.  According to her twitter feed, she got LEVEL 2 yesterday, but no word on if Julian made an appearance ...

And finally, the third winner is Zibilee at Raging Bibliomania.  I was super happy for her when chose her because she's my number one commenter on Presenting Lenore.  She's taking a little blogging break right now and I miss her!

For all of you who didn't win, it's killing me that I can't send everyone a copy.  BUT thanks to my fellow Apocalypsie Kimberly Sabatini, whose book TOUCHING THE SURFACE is also set in the afterlife and is also forthcoming from Simon & Schuster, you do have another chance to get your hands on LEVEL 2 early!

Kimberly had a ton of awesome things to say about LEVEL 2 in her blog review and she's passing on her own ARC to someone who comments about their vision of the afterlife on her blog.  Lots of very interesting responses so far!  Go now and enter to win!  Kimberly sends international and the contest will be open the rest of the weekend.  Good luck!


  1. Heather (Zibilee) is a fabulous blogger and person - I love her reviews. Congratulations to the winners!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!

  3. Oh awesome! Heather is amazing! And, hey this cover is totally smashing, girl! I can;t wait to read this thing! ;O)

  4. can you send your old aunt a copy? LOL!


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