Monday, July 2, 2012

Book Review: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Scottish "Verity" is captured in Nazi occupied France and interrogated by Gestapo who allow her to write her story in the hopes of getting valuable secrets from her. What follows is a passionate, rambling account of her friendship with the British pilot, Maddie, she crashed down with.

The first thing you should know about VERITY is how absolutely heartbreaking it is. It's the kind of book that induces ugly sobbing in the fetal position, even in a "never crier" like me.

I connected with Verity's narration so much, I wanted her to be real, to find a time machine to and come be my BFF.  At the beginning of the novel, she admits to being a coward, to being someone who would give up all the codes to the enemy just for the comfort of getting her clothes back.  But how reliable of a narrator is Verity? How much of anyone's words can we take at face value during a wartime operation filled with double agents?

It's a tense, intricate puzzler of a story with a bang of an ending. It will take a long time for my poor heart to recover from this one.

CODE NAME VERITY is available in hardcover now.  Find out more about it at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: I read an eGalley provided by the publisher on NetGalley.


  1. I really need to get this one. It sounds so amazing.

  2. I loved this book too, such an easy one to review too cause I simply connected with the narrators

  3. All these months later my poor heart is STILL recovering! Such a great read.

  4. You know, this book really makes me wonder about myself. It was very well-written and clever, but I just never got really into it. My heart didn't need time to recover. I was just kind of like "oh, okay." Hmm.

    I am, however, still recovering from This Is Not a Test.

  5. Eager to read this one! I have heard so much about it. Loved your review, Lenore.

  6. I love this book so much-favorite read of 2012 so far!

  7. lol I wanted to be friends with her, too.

    Also I loved her the instant she said she was captured because she couldn't tell directions, or whatever. I was like, MY KIND OF GIRL. ;)

  8. I can't tell you how much buzz I have heard about this book, and all of it has been incredible. I really want to read this one over the summer, and look forward to my end of the week buying spree. It sounds fabulous, and even though it will make me cry, I am eager to get started.

    P.S.- I DID receive that wonderful surprise in the mail, and was dancing around in joy all day! I am so excited and can't wait to get started! You rock, Lenore!

  9. Everyone's raving over this book! I need to get my hands on it!

  10. Egads! I forgot I have this downloaded from Netgalley! *facepalm* making note now to read stat.

  11. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it too. The more great reviews of it I read, the more I feel the need to pull it from my shelf and read it!

  12. This sounds amazing! I can't believe I missed it on Netgalley though! D:

  13. Gah I can't WAIT to read this one…I have it sitting right next to me too and I've been putting it off for some reason…I need to fix that :/

  14. Sounds like you loved this one as much as I did. An amazing book. so many tears when I finished it!

  15. Sounds like you loved this one as much as I did. An amazing book. so many tears when I finished it!

  16. Sounds like you loved this one as much as I did. An amazing book. so many tears when I finished it!

  17. Sounds like you loved this one as much as I did. An amazing book. so many tears when I finished it!

  18. Oh dear. I am a total crier. I've heard such wonderful things about this book, but now I'm worried - and also curious.

  19. I really enjoyed this book! I am so happy I had the chance to read it. :)

  20. I soooooo need to read this one. It sounds completely fantastic!


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