Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Round-Up of Level 2 Reactions & Links

Even though it doesn't come out until January 15, 2013, LEVEL 2 has been out and about in ARC form for a month now and the first reactions are rolling in. How fun!  Let's take a look shall we?

First up, Jaime at The Perpetual Page-Turner wrote a lovely piece on why you should Save the Date for LEVEL 2.  A bit of an excerpt:

It’s SO unique in a way that just keeps you reading. I just found this story to be refreshing because it didn’t feel like anything I’ve ever read before. Throughout the story things kept being revealed that blew my mind storywise and the adrenaline started kicking in as pieces start coming together. I never knew what to expect to be honest. - Jamie 

Thank you Jaime!

Next, Amanda over at A Book Addict's Diary reviewed LEVEL 2 as part of a Around the World ARC  tour and had this to say:

I enjoyed Level 2, it offered a unique take on the afterlife, with a compelling and twisty plot that kept me glued to the page. And the writing -the writing style was completely engrossing. Newcomer Lenore Appelhans knows how to paint an atmosphere and make a world come to life with some truly refreshing techniques and elements that I've never seen before. - Amanda

She does point out that she was a bit disappointed though because she was expecting a dystopian novel, and LEVEL 2 is not a dystopian in her eyes.  And you know what? I have to agree with her points - LEVEL 2 is not a classic dystopian by any means, and perhaps by featuring it during my dystopian theme months, I've raised expectations that I shouldn't have.  Know this: S&S is not calling it a dystopian in their marketing, and my "dystopian afterlife thriller" description was mainly my entry point to the story as a writer.  The "dystopian" nature of the story is limited but it is there - the main character is awakened to the fact that the afterlife she's found herself in has been twisted in horrific ways from its original purpose. Still, from now on, I'll stick to calling it an "afterlife thriller with dystopian elements" and hopefully I won't disappoint anyone else with my labeling. Thank you Amanda!

And now we'll wander over to Goodreads (LEVEL 2 on Goodreads) where some of my fellow Apocalypsies have had very kind things to say about LEVEL 2. Some snippets:

The pacing is brilliant. The world building is brilliant. - KM Walton, Author of CRACKED

Very impressive! - Jodi Meadows, Author of INCARNATE

I love the juxtaposition of Felicia's memories--which have the feel of reading a contemporary novel and gradually reveal the story of her life on Earth -- with the action-oriented scenes that take place on Level 2. - Tiffany Schmidt, Author of SEND ME A SIGN

It’s a smart, fast-paced read with inventive plot twists and a strong heroine—highly original and my kind of book. - Tamara Ireland Stone, Author of TIME BETWEEN US

Appelhans unique voice and mastery of story will no doubt establish her as a serious force in the world of YA. - Hilary Graham, Author of REUNITED

The story creatively jumps between lots of different perspectives in the past and the present and I never once was lost. Her storytelling and transitions were seamless. - Kimberly Sabatini, Author of TOUCHING THE SURFACE

Thank you so much ladies for all the Apocalypsies love  - I'm blushing!

There are also quite a few other reviews from bloggers - but I'll wait to quote them until reviews go up on their blogs :)

And now some related links:

Paper Lantern Lit created a LEVEL 2 inspired mocktail!

Mindy McGinnis, Author of the forthcoming NOT A DROP TO DRINK (HarperCollins Fall 2013) interviewed me twice. Once about blogging at Presenting Lenore while being an author, and once about my submission process for LEVEL 2.

Over at The League of Extraordinary Writers I talked about my first library card (and other library stories).


  1. Oh, and it comes out on my bday! :)

  2. Great comments! I'm so excited to read this one, Lenore you totally deserve it!

  3. What a great set of early reviews. Congrats.

  4. Wow, it's off to a great start! I can't wait to read it.

  5. Congrats for the great reviews! It sounds really interesting!

  6. Lots of positive early reviews! YAY! So proud of you!

  7. Congrats, lady!

    My review is super secret, of course, but I totally agree. The world building is awesome.

    It's not the most dystopian of dystopias, but I think it qualifies enough to be part of the dystopian months.

  8. Well, it sounds like reactions are positive :) I was perplexed and slightly freaked out to read that there's a war against angels, but if you think about it, it makes sense that the guardians of afterlife would be angels.

  9. Lenore, this is one of my next reads, and I can't tell you how excited I am, or how many friends have come by the house, picked it up, exclaimed over the uniqueness of the cover and asked if they can borrow it. I have told them that it will be available in January, as there is no way I am lending out my copy!! Very inspiring to read the advance praise. I am so proud of you!

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