Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: Once by Anna Carey

While I wasn't the biggest fan of the execution of EVE, I loved the premise and the questions it brought up, and I knew I'd want to read the sequel, ONCE. (read my review of EVE) ONCE picks up where EVE left off, with Eve in relative safety in the women-only commune of Califa.

However, Eve misses Caleb something terrible and soon leaves the settlement to find him. Thus begins an action packed/twisty narrative where Eve discovers many things are not as they seem at first.

Although I was not entirely convinced by the romance in EVE, Caleb is a real highlight of ONCE. He's not in the book nearly enough, but when he is, he steals the show. Eve has also grown a lot as a character and is more independent, less damsel in distress. I'm definitely excited for the third book, RISE.

Both EVE and ONCE are out now and thanks to the publisher, I have 1 set of both books to give away. To enter, fill out this form by August 17, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST. Open US only.

Visit the author's website for more information.

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: ARC from publicity company as part of a blog tour


  1. I'm listening to the audiobook of this one now. I thought it might be better that way, but I'm not sure. She talks or thinks about Caleb every other paragraph. I wouldn't be surprised to find there wasn't a single page in the book without his name. Sigh.

    Their romance definitely doesn't move me. It feels like instalove, even though it wasn't. She's just a little TOO into it, you know?

  2. I'll back the badge on big twists. Still haven't read Once, but Eve definitely delivers!

  3. I like books with big twists, so this book, and Once sound really good to me. Thanks for sharing your opinions and your reactions. It sounds like this sequel was just a leetle better than the first!

  4. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to read EVE. I have seen a lot about it, but I am not sure if it would be for me. This does sound good, though, so maybe I should give the series a try...


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