Sunday, August 5, 2012

Round-Up of Level 2 Reactions + Links (2)

Even though it doesn't come out until January 15, 2013, LEVEL 2 has been out and about in ARC form for two months now and some early reactions are rolling in. How fun! Let's take a look shall we?

First up is this lovely review from Beth at A Foodie Bibliophile in Wanderlust in which she gives five reasons why you should read LEVEL 2. She praises my wordsmithing and mentions me in the same paragraph as Laini Taylor and John Green. Here's an excerpt:

"This is one of the most amazing novels I have ever read! Lenore has not only crafted an incredibly unique story in envisioning this white, Matrix-like place of Level Two, but she has also rooted it in theology and mythology." - Beth

Next, Christina at Reader of Fictions (who is also doing a Dystopian August this month) gave LEVEL 2 four incredibly cute Zombiecorns and is especially excited about the worldbuilding. Here's an excerpt:

"The first awesome thing about Level 2 is the world building, which is multi-faceted and complex. She reveals new layers of epic awesome as you read through the book, and I have no doubt this will continue in the next book. The world building was definitely my favorite thing, and I loved how Lenore could completely surprise me or explain something that I was at first skeptical of. She makes this work like whoa." - Christina

And finally, Kayla at Dark Faerie Tales gave LEVEL 2 four skulls. Here's an excerpt:

"Twists and ingenious writing mix to create this wonderfully creative and modern story of romance and betrayal, letting go and holding on, and the past and the present." - Kayla 

As far as links, if you don't follow The League of Extraordinary Writers, you might have missed the two Dystopian related quizzes I put together to test your knowledge of people and place names in Dystopian lit.  Check out Quiz 1: People and Quiz 2: Places.


  1. Congratulations on the great reviews!

  2. Yay! Go me! I got blurbed on Lenore's blog. ;)

  3. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so honored to be in the list. :-D

    You rock!

  4. I finished it Friday and LOVED IT!! I am planning on writing my review this week, so I will let you know when it goes up. Brava, Lenore. It was excellent.


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