Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (77) - Special Video Edition

Sometimes, as a special treat, we'll get the kitties some cat grass.  As you can see from the video below, they're wild for it.



  1. They do seem to love it! What is kitty grass?

  2. Holy cow. SO MUCH FLUFFY! My cat would probably love that too.

  3. I need to grow some of this for my sweet stinkers <3
    btw - your kitties are so adorable!! :)

  4. Oh yeah, the cat grass! They are like obsessed and ravenous dogs when the grass comes out. That video was a nice treat!

  5. I need to do that for my cat. I think she'd have a blast!

  6. My cats would love this! I need to grow some for them. My daughter is growing catnip in the back garden right now, and I think that plus the cat grass would have them over the moon!

  7. OMG! How cute! Glad you got your kittehs some kitteh grass!

  8. it's like a herd of wild kitties!! ;-)


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