Monday, November 12, 2012

Cover Reveal! Chick-o-Saurus Rex

Remember how I told you I also wrote a picture book in collaboration with my husband, Illustrator Daniel Jennewein?

Well that picture book, CHICK-O-SAURUS REX, now has a cover!

Check it out:

And here's the summary:

It's coming out on July 23, 2013. You can already add it to Goodreads and even pre-order it.

I've also gotten word that F&Gs are in (the picture book version of an ARC) so I'll give one away to someone who comments on this post (and leaves an e-mail address so I can contact you if you win) by midnight CST of Thanksgiving day. US and Canada only for this one.

I'll leave you with this picture of Daniel and me in front of a T-Rex skull.

Are you mighty enough?!


  1. This is so adorable! Wow you guys are a talented couple :)

  2. Love it!!!!! Can't wait for this one!!!!

  3. How exciting!

    Can't wait to see the final version!

    BTW... I know I told you this a while ago but I love your new hair color. Very becoming. :)

  4. Love the cover! I really enjoyed the picture of you and Daniel striking a pose at the Museum of World Treasures! (P.S. you have my email address already : ))
    Rachelle and family

  5. Oh my word, that cover made me laugh! Congrats, guys! :)

  6. Love the cover, Lenore! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! :D

  7. It looks super cute! I can't wait to buy a copy and read it to the niece and nephew.

    inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com

  8. My 2 year old would love this! shhhimreading at hotmail dot com.

  9. Although my daughters are too big, they still love picture books, and now we have my 17 month old nephew to pass on great picture books too! And this one looks AWESOME! Great cover, great title, great author, great illustrator! This is too filled with greatness!! I know he would love it! I can't wait to buy my copy - but given how long it takes, would love to win a copy early also!!

  10. I can't wait to read this to my boys and my students! Yay! Congrats on such a great cover.

  11. I'm loving it!!! You two are so creative!! Congratulations too!!

  12. This picture book looks like it has an adorable message! And your husband's illustration style is wonderful -- I adore the clean lines and simple, solid colours.

    yahongchi @ gmail . com

  13. aw this looks presh, Lenore! congrats to you and Daniel!

  14. Omg! It is gorgeous! Congrats Lenore :D Sigh. Cannot wait to read your picture book. <3 I adore MG/picture books. And this one seems amazing :)

  15. Awwww, I love it! That cover is hilariously adorable. Looking forward to it!

  16. Love the cover! Thanks for the glimpse!

  17. Oh, so excited for you and Daniel! I would love to win this for my neice, and I bet she would love having it read to her. Thanks for the chance, Lenore.


  18. The cover is so adorable. My kids would love that book!


  19. so cute! I am hoping my friends will have kids the right age for this when it comes out so I can share. :)

  20. Looks like a very cute book. I will have to order one. Good job, guys. Can't wait to see you.


  21. Awesome! I just love the cover and the little summary. Congrats to you both. What a big year 2013 is turning out to be and it hasn't even started.

  22. Aww that is such a cute cover! Sounds like a pretty awesome story too. I'm definitely going to have to buy this one and might even share it with the niece and nephew : )

  23. My daughter wants a chicken for Christmas. I think I'll buy her some marvelous chicken books instead. Wish yours was out NOW!


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