Friday, November 23, 2012

Young Adult Author Panel: Drama & Dystopia

If you'll be in Kansas City next Tuesday, consider coming to see me, Gennifer Albin (CREWEL) and Bethany Hagen (LANDRY PARK ex. Fall 2013) chat about Dystopian fiction.

I'll be giving away copies of LEVEL 2, swag and German chocolate.

Find out all about the event at the library website.

Hope to see you there!!


  1. I wish I could be there! Have you announced your tour yet?

  2. I wish I could be there too! I read Crewel last week and loved it. Are you going to be in the Pacific Northwest on tour sometime?

  3. I seriously have been a fan of your blog for years but I guess I missed the fact that you're from KC. I am too but I go to Mizzou and I'm probably not going to be able to go to this. :(

  4. Would love it if you could make it Bianca - but if not, I'll be back in KC in January when the book is out. I'll post my events as soon as I know them :)

    I'm from Wichita, but I live in Germany.


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