Friday, December 21, 2012

Apocalypsies Love! Book Review: Out of Reach by Carrie Arcos

Apocalypsies Love is all about me telling you what I loved about a 2012 debut book written by one of the amazing Apocalypsies. I also chat with the author to gain insight into their very favorite parts of their creation.

Today I am talking about OUT OF REACH, a contemporary YA about a girl who searches for her drug-addicted brother, hoping to bring him home. OUT OF REACH was a finalist for the National Book Award.  

So OUT OF REACH hit kinda close to home for me, and because of that, I could totally identify with Rachel's situation and even her oddly unemotional reactions to events (such as what happened with her car).  It's also an interesting POV, since you don't often get books about addiction as seen from a family member dealing with it.

I really enjoyed the interaction between Rachel and Tyler, the friend of her brother who goes with her to look for him. Tyler has always existed in Rachel's periphery, and I loved how their day together made her really see him for the first time.

And now let's hear from Carrie:

What is your favorite scene in the book?
I have two actually. I love one of the flashback scenes of Rachel and Micah when they are in Jr. High and Micah saves her from a drowning. He ends up carrying her all the way home, a mile at least, and she thanks him because she knows she could never do the same for him. It's a scene that reveals much about their relationship and is heartbreaking because so much has changed for the both of them.

I also love the scene with Tyler and Rachel in the church. I didn't really know they would end up there, but when they did, it was perfect. It fits the confessional voice of Rachel, and Tyler, well, he really comes through.

What is your favorite line in the book?
Tough one... maybe, "Safe places exist only where people aren't."

What setting was the most fun to write?
The book is primarily set in San Diego county in Ocean and Mission Beach. I've spent some time in both spaces and know the area. It was fun to try and convey not only the look, but the atmosphere, the emotion, I guess, attached to places that offer so much beauty on the surface and so much darkness underneath.

Who is your favorite supporting character--the one you could see getting a spin-off book--and why?
I'd say Tyler. Tyler is interesting to me because he comes off as this confident, talented kid, but he's got some darkness there with his family that he's struggled with. He has his own pain from Micah's spiral into addiction, and since they were such good friends, what is it about Tyler that caused him to make different choices. I'd also like to know what happens with him and Rachel from his perspective.

What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?
By far the favorite part was getting that National Book Award nomination. That was crazy, awesome, surreal, all those words wrapped up together. But I could also say the moment I realized my agent was taking me on. Or the moment I found out Out of Reach would be published. They are all the firsts, and I'll never experience getting a book published again in the same way. So I have tried to slow it down.
Thanks Carrie!

OUT OF REACH is out in hardcover now. Find out more about it at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: For review from agent

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by to say Merry Christmas. And here's to an exciting 2013 ahead!


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