Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Book Review: The Different Girl by Gordon Dahlquist

Four girls live on an island with their two caretakers. The girls are identical except for their hair color.  Then another girl shipwrecks on the island and changes come to the girls' lives.

*warning -- kinda spoilery, but not really, because honestly, there's not much to spoil*

Let me start out by saying that I didn't get the point of this book ... at all. Veronika and her three companions are not quite normal, and their caretakers are obviously there to test their abilities. When May ("the different girl" I assume) arrives, they are freaked out. Apparently, the rest of the world doesn't take kindly to Veronika's kind (though we never find out why) and everyone's in danger from some outside force.  The resolution is vague, and we don't ever get more than teasing hints about the type of world we're in.  Some will find this open-endedness intriguing, but I found it perplexing.

I did think Veronika's narration and observations fit her character well, but because it was emotionless and difficult to connect with, I don't really want to give this a Zombie Chicken merit badge for writing. There was virtually no action, no romance, no twists, and minimal worldbuilding.  If I had a badge for beautiful covers, though, it would definitely earn it, because I adore this cover.

THE DIFFERENT GIRL comes out February 21, 2013. Find out more about it at the publisher's website.

FTC disclosure: I requested this book for review from the publisher.

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore


  1. I like the cover too. Is this Dahlquist's first book? Sometimes covers are better than the book - and that just proves the old adage, Don't judge a book by its cover. So true, So true. :)

  2. Thanks for your review - I think I'll skip this one.

  3. Yes some of my same thoughts too. I read this book and didn't review it. Very different book is all I can say

  4. I have this one, but now you've made me skeptical about it. Without any romance, action or plot, how good can a book be? I do love the cover though. It is a shame this one didn't fare better.

  5. Very cool cover, but the insides don't sound so great!

  6. Eek. I definitely am glad I didn't get a copy of this now. I like cerebral fiction, but it should have a point.

    The gorgeous cover is a trap.

  7. I had to go and check if this was the same Dahlquist that wrote The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters. It is and so I totally understand much of what you're saying. He apparently hasn't changed his style a whole lot since his first book. While there were things I liked about that one, on the whole it didn't work for me. I've wondered about giving him a second shot but it looks like I'll pass.

  8. The cover really is beautiful and intriguing, but i too don't like books that are too vague. And no action or romance? These are the main reasons i love books :S So i guess i'll probably not enjoy this one but the cover is really pretty indeed.

  9. I just finished this book this week. The only way I think the book could be redeemed is if it is a series. Otherwise, I don't get the point either. Nothing is explained, and the story is just like Veronika - clinical and emotionless. It's a shame since the cover is gorgeous.

  10. Yeah, this book is boring, no doubt because not much happens. IDK, I think I gave it 3 stars on goodreads because I liked the interactions between the girls, but at the same time I felt so distant while reading.

  11. To answer your question from the event last week - your review sounds honest & fair (nothing else!). I think I'll give this one a pass.


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