Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Book Review: Taken by Erin Bowman

In Claysoot, all boys are taken on their 18th birthdays and there's no escaping that fate. When Gray's older brother is taken, Gray knows his time is running out. But then he learns a secret about Claysoot and risks death by going over the wall to find out the truth.

TAKEN is one of those novels it's best to enter blind.  The set-up is deliciously creepy, and though the narrative is more reminiscent of standard dystopian fare as it goes on, it's still a satisfying and action-packed journey to find out the secrets of Claysoot.

Gray is an appealing main character - a good mix of loyalty and recklessness. TAKEN features one of those rare male/female/female love triangles, but romance really isn't the point here. Gray's arc is one of trying to make sense of his strange world and his part to play in it, and I'm very curious to see where the series goes next.

TAKEN comes out on April 16, 2013. Find out more about it at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: Egalley from Edelweiss

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore


  1. Thanks for the review. I have Erin's book for an interview. You've got me excited to read it.

    And our library just bought your book in audio version. Yay!

  2. I've been waiting on this one for a couple of months. The cover art caught my eye (of course!), and then the summary seemed interesting. I'm glad you kept your review short and sweet - I didn't feel like I had to click away or risk spoilers!

  3. I absolutely can't wait to read this one. All the reviews I have read so far were very positive.

  4. I love that the love story is of the nontraditional bent, and think that this one sounds rather interesting. I always am amazed at the range and scope of the books that exist out there today for the YA audience. It makes me wish I was younger!

  5. I can't wait to read this one!

  6. The premise sounds intriguing. Something about the way you describe it reminds me a bit of the Maze Runner. Loved that one, so I may need to give this one a try!

  7. Been curious about Taken since I saw the cover-- looking forward to reading it!


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