Monday, February 4, 2013

Dystopian February (2013) Kick-Off

It's here: the 7th in a row (can you believe it?) of dystopian theme months that began in Feb 2010 to spotlight dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction. If you plan to participate with me this month, grab the Dystopian February badge above and put it on your blog, linking to this kick-off post.

Now, because the content this month on my blog won't be as extensive as you're used to, Christina of Reader of Fictions has joined me as an official Dystopian February partner, so most of the contests you are used to are going to be hosted over there by her. She already has reviews up of Sherri L Smith's Orleans and Andrew Fukuda's The Prey.

So what's in store this month?

I'm going to try to review at least 10 dystopian novels, past, present and future. (Refer to my index of dystopian reviews for latest updates and past reads) Every Thursday, I'll do an in-depth joint review of a book with either Christina or Michelle from Galleysmith. Each book I review a merit badge in one of the following categories: World-building, Action, Romance, Twisty Reads, and Great Writing (see the merit badges here - they are ADORBS! and read more about the philosophy behind the merit badges here) so if you know you prefer world-building books over all else, you'll know which titles to look out for.

I'll also have a couple of interviews and giveaways, and probably some themed booklists (if I get around to those).

Are you going to read any dystopians this month?


  1. Awesome Lenore. I'm reading Through the Ever Night right now. Hoping to read Unravel Me too.

  2. Yay! It's back! I am planning on reading at least one dystopian, but I am not sure which one it will be. I need you guys to tell me which one is best!

  3. I'm reading Under The Never Sky and Through the Ever Night this month. I've been meaning to read them both for a while now, but now that I have the books I have no excuse not to read them! I'm hoping to read Shatter Me and Unravel Me, too.

  4. There are a few dystopian books I have on my slate, so I'll probably be checking those out. Looking forward to see what you think of the next crop!


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