Friday, March 1, 2013

Dystopian February Recap + Look Ahead

The 7th month dedicated to Dystopian comes to an end, and as I write this, I realize it's time to say farewell to this theme month for good. This February sort of limped along with only ten new reviews, no interviews and only one giveaway.

But that doesn't mean I'm saying farewell to dystopian - I'm convinced there are still good books to be found in this genre (and after all, I am closing in on 200 reads in the genre overall, so obviously I love it). And I'm not saying goodbye to the Zombie Chicken Merit Badges either.  When I do review a dystopian book, which could now happen ANYTIME, I will still award these.

Speaking of reviews, it's time to say (mostly) farewell to those as well. I'll still be talking and posting about the books I read, but instead of calling them reviews and treating them as critical assessments, I'll call them "What I'm Reading."  Dystopian novels will be the (possible) exception.

Here's a recap of what I reviewed this month.

Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for WRITING:

In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters (Read review)

Elemental by Antony John (Read Review)

Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for WORLDBUILDING:

Starglass by Phoebe North (Read review)

Stung by Bethany Wiggins (Read review)

Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for ROMANCE:

The Program by Suzanne Young (Read review)

Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for TWISTS:

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis (Read review)

Override by Heather Anastasiu (Read review)

Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for ACTION:

The Culling by Steven dos Santos (Read review)

Taken by Erin Bowman (Read review)

No Badge:

The Different Girl by Gordon Dahlquist (Read review)

At A Reader of Fictions (Dystopian February 2013 partner blog):

Three books I haven't read but that Christina highly recommends are - 

When We Wake by Karen Healey (Read her review)

Breaking Point by Kristen Simmons - sequel to Article 5 (Read her review)

Orelans by Sherri L. Smith (Read her review)

Coming up:

If you want to see what's next in my dystopian reading queue, check out my list on Goodreads.

Thanks to everyone who has made these dystopian months so much fun! What's on your list to read next? Anything I should be aware of?


  1. I'm looking forward to several of these books so I'm glad you got a chance to read them! I love the dystopian genre so I'm glad you'll still be sharing your thoughts with us :)

  2. Agreed - you should totally read Karen Healey's WHEN WE WAKE. It's set in my city! In the future, anyhoo ;-)

  3. You gave me some good books I need to watch for! I am excited about Taken and about Orleans.

  4. I am looking forward to like half of these. So excited.


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