Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reviews on a Theme: Time Travel (YA)

Time travel is always one of my favorite topics in books and here are a few I read this year. I can recommend all of the following for fellow time travel fans.

AFTER EDEN by Helen Douglas

When Eden meets mysterious new boy Ryan she has no idea he's from the future - a future where a discovery of new planet by her best friend Connor has ruined the Earth's environment. Ryan's mission is to keep Connor from discovering the planet, and getting close to Eden is part of that plan.

AFTER EDEN's appealing sci-fi hook is what attracted me to the novel in the first place, but I stayed for the absolutely sweet contemporary romance between Eden and Ryan. It's a light, fun read that gets more action-oriented towards the second half, and I would hand it to readers looking to branch out to sci-fi as a great gateway book.

FTC disclosure: Lucky 13s ARC tour

ALL OUR YESTERDAYS by Cristin Terrill

In the future, Em is imprisoned at a military base and it's up to her to break out, get back to the past and prevent a catastrophic time travel machine from ever being built. In the present, Marina is love with her best friend James, a genius on the verge of a major scientific breakthrough - one that could very well get him killed.

This twisty novel starts out with a big bang when Em finds a note from a past version of herself telling her that there's only one option left: "You have to kill him." This sets up a high-stakes chase through time where if Em succeeds, she will erase herself, but in doing so, she'll be able to spare her younger self a lot of pain. The characters face many impossible choices and both Em and Marina's stories are intensely compelling.

I didn't quite understand the mechanics of the ending or how it's possible with the time travel rules that the novel established early on. But otherwise, I am impressed with this one. Definitely worth a re-read!

FTC disclosure: Netgalley

LOOP  by Shandy Lawson

Ben and Maggie have met, fallen in love, and died together countless times. Over the course of two pivotal days—both the best and worst of their lives—they struggle again and again to resist the pull of fate and the force of time itself. With each failure, they return to the beginning of their end, a wild road trip that brings them to the scene of their own murders and into the hands of the man destined to kill them.

This is incredibly fast-paced and also pretty short, so even though it's highly addictive and action-oriented fun, there's not much time for character development. I did find myself wishing it were longer and more developed, but I enjoyed my time spent reading it.

FTC disclosure: Netgalley 


  1. Thanks for sharing the time travel recommendations. I totally loved All Our Yesterdays.

  2. I am with you on the ending of AOY. I was really enjoying it and then the end happened and I went NO NO NO. The characters were so interesting, but that made no sense to me at alllll.


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