Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bookanista Review: The Glass Casket by McCormick Templeman

I love fairy tales, and this one is deliciously dark.

A great, hungry evil has awoken in the mountain forest near Rowan's home of Nag's End. But Rowan is not superstitious like those in her village, so at first, despite some horrific deaths, she goes about life pretty much as usual. For her that means working on her translations and hanging out with her best friend Tom. But then more strange things happen: her cousin shows up and her father forbids her to speak to her, a blue witch summons her for a talk, and a relative of the queen comes to stay at her house. Soon Rowan is not only going to have to believe in the supernatural, she's going to have to get involved to try and stop it from destroying everything she loves.

The resulting story is enticing, compelling fairy tale horror. I got goosebumps reading this, but I couldn't look away. I especially liked how smart and plucky Rowan was and the way the fantastical events of the story evolved her relationships with her family and friends. Oh and the love/hate relationship with Jude was a highlight as well. 

THE GLASS CASKET is available in hardcover now. Find out more about the book at the author's website.


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