Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Return of Cat Tuesday (89)

Lu really likes the caves we build for him.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B


  1. Because they love to pretend they are vicious cave creatures, waiting to strike! I love that they find the funniest places to hide.

  2. Sigh. Gorgeous kitty <3 :D Love it when you share pictures of your cats :)

  3. Cats are so adorable but ugh, their ATTITUDE. My cat tries to dig his way into any cardboard box we leave lying around. It's really cute -- until his pupils start to widen and he pounces at you. :P

  4. Cats are so adorable but ugh, their ATTITUDE. My cat tries to dig his way into any cardboard box we leave lying around. It's really cute -- until his pupils start to widen and he pounces at you. :P


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