Monday, January 5, 2015

Giveaway: Half Bad by Sally Green

HALF BAD by Sally Green comes out in paperback on January 13th, just in time to get it read before the sequel, HALF WILD comes out in hardcover on March 24th.

Brew a winter concoction to settle in and read! Enter the giveaway by filling out this form (deadline January 20, 2015).

One (1) winner receives:

· a branded tumbler and hot chocolate,

· plus a copy of Half Bad.

Prizing courtesy of Penguin - Giveaway open to US addresses only


He has a powerful Gift. It’s how he uses it that will show if he’s good or bad.

In modern-day England, witches live alongside humans: White witches, who are good; Black witches, who are evil; and sixteen-year-old Nathan, who is both. Nathan’s father is the world’s most powerful and cruel Black witch, and his mother is dead. He is hunted from all sides. Trapped in a cage, beaten and handcuffed, Nathan must escape before his seventeenth birthday, at which point he will receive three gifts from his father and come into his own as a witch—or else he will die. But how can Nathan find his father when his every action is tracked, when there is no one safe to trust—not even family, not even the girl he loves?


In a modern-day England where two warring factions of witches live amongst humans, seventeen-year-old Nathan is an abomination, the illegitimate son of the world’s most powerful and violent witch. Nathan is hunted from all sides: nowhere is safe and no one can be trusted. Now, Nathan has come into his own unique magical Gift, and he’s on the run–but the Hunters are close behind, and they will stop at nothing until they have captured Nathan and destroyed his father.

Book trailer

Visit the Half Bad website

Find Sally Green on Twitter and Wattpad

1 comment:

  1. I've read Half Bad but I just wanted to say I am really looking forward to Half Wild!


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