Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1001 Books to read before you die - Challenge

I finally found a reading challenge that I want to join - The 1% well-read challenge.

Here's the description of the challenge from the website:

The goal of this challenge is to read 10 books in 10 months from the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die list. For you non-math people, 10 out of 1001 is approximately 1%, hence the title. The challenge will run from May 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009.

I just entered all the 1001 Books I have read into my LibraryThing account and I am at 110! By the way, I have the book and think it is a fun read and a great way to find excellent books. When I ordered it, I had it sent to my friends Will and Sommer's place before my visit and Will just had to have it too.

The 10 I am choosing for my challenge are all in my TBR pile:

1. Fugitive Pieces - Anne Michaels
2. Enduring Love - Ian McEwan
3. The Stone Diaries - Carol Shields
4. The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
5. Under the Net - Iris Murdoch
6. Elementary Particles - Michael Hollenbecq
7. What I Loved - Siri Hustvedt
8. Silk - Alessandro Baricco
9. Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys
10. Murder Must Advertise - Dorothy Sayers

Alternates: The Judge and his Hangman - Friedrich Duerrenmatt (In German no less!)
How the Dead Live - Will Self
100 Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

How many have you read from the list? Have you read any that I've included in my challenge?


  1. I joined this challenge also and finished my first book last night, Lolita. I am embarassed to say that I have not read any on your list! Good luck!

  2. Hope you enjoy Remains of the Day! That was my first Kazuo Ishiguro book and I've read everything since.

    When I'm out from under my current tight deadline, I'll check out the list. The challenge sounds interesting and if it matches up with my TBR pile, all the better.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and hope you enjoy the Margot Livesey!

  3. Hey Lenore, just wanted you to know that you won the contest over at Reviewer X!

    Here's the post:

  4. here are my recommendations for amazing book reads:

    I'm trying to remembering what books I mentioned at dinner but I think I drank too much wine or something. So forgive me if you've already some of these...

    Post-Birthday World by Lionel Schriver
    Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marissa Pessl
    Emma Who Saved my LIfe by Wilton Barnhardt
    The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls
    The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
    Tale of Time City by Diana Wynne Jones
    Sex Lives of Cannibals by J Martin Troost
    Life As We Knew It by Susan Pfeffer

  5. I jpoined this challenge also... Murder Must Advertise is my June book. I loved Wide Sargasso Sea; its a must-read.


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