Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (+ pics of Emmy!)

Being in London during the London Book Fair and not going to the fair started me on my online journey of finding places to get ARCs. One of the first places I found was Library Thing, who offer not yet published books for review every month in addition to being THE place online to catalogue your books (be careful, it's addictive!). So far I have snagged two books through the program (The Wednesday Sisters, which arrived in the mail already) and the 19th Wife (still waiting).

Anyway, what LT also has is an active Early Reviewers book blogging community and we recently decided to do a ER theme post every Tuesday. This Tuesday is just about introducing ourselves. Thanks to the the boston bibliophile for setting this up!

As my about me profile says, this blog is about books, travel, work and life.

I mostly read high concept literary and YA fiction as well as the occasional sci-fi, thriller, and chick-lit novel. I also love to travel and have been to over 50 countries.

Oh and here are some new pictures of my new kitten Emmy who has been with us 3 1/2 weeks now:


  1. emmy is so cute! :-) i should post a picture of my kitty too. love those blue eyes!

  2. Emmy is absolutely beautiful. Although we have (way too many) dogs, we have adopted a stray cat who just showed up at our house. We had a Persian, but after having a kidney removed (mine) I became allergic to long hair cats. It was quite an insult to my soul, because I had never not had a cat. Anyway, Smokey gets along fine with all of the pups although he prefers to stay outside.

    I love to travel as well, but could only hope to visit as many countries as you! Budapest has been my favorite city so far.


  3. Cute !! thanks for the post

  4. Hi, wanted to stop by. Found your blog on LT's Early Reviewers and have signed up for the fun Tuesday event! :)

    P.S. What a cutie!

  5. Emmy is just adorable. She looks like a long-haired version of Muffin!

  6. Doing the rounds of the Tuesday Thing posts... The cat is cute. :-)

  7. Hi found you via Librarything :) Your kitty is so cute! I have three cats but they're all grown up now... Still cute though!

  8. Pretty cat, though I'm a dog owner now we did have cats when I was growing up.

    I'm just dropping by everyone on the TTT list to say hello... so hello!

  9. Hi - I also found your blog on LT and wanted to say hello. Beautiful kitty - we have a dog and a ferret living at my house, but I keep pestering for a cat. =)

  10. I had more intelligent things to say until I saw the pictures of your kitten. Now I am reduced to a pile of giddy "Kitty!"

    Nice meeting you! :)

  11. Emmy is adorable! At some point, perhaps I will post some pics of my Coco.

    One of the things I love about LT is reading the reviews and posts of people whose reading habits are very different from mine. I look forward to checking out what you're reading!


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