Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (22) + Pic of Emmy

This week's question: -LibraryThing's Recently Added feature: do you look at it? Do you use it for ideas? Is there something listed there now that looks interesting to you? What have you added to your LT library recently?

I love that I can see the covers of the last 17 books I added on my personal homepage on LT, but I usually don't notice what other members are adding unless they are my LT friends and I see them on the connection news. I like to check the early reviewers library around this time of the month to see if Abby has added the current month books on offer (not yet!). I add books as I read them, so if you can get an idea of what I'm going to review next by looking at my just added books. I will also add signed books without having read them. I am in the middle of a reading marathon to make a dent in my TBR pile because I thought my work week would be light. Sadly, I've been derailed by a couple of urgent projects today and poor Emmy getting spayed yesterday. Hopefully I can get back on track!

Since Emmy is not feeling like her normal self, I bring you a picture from my vast archives in which she looks very much like one of those bear rugs you see in hunting lodges. This is actually how she positions herself to get brushed (we do this twice daily).


  1. Poor Emmy! I hope she's back to normal soon. I add books I haven't read yet and at the moment there are 189 of those, some of these are books I've owned for years and it makes me feel quite bad that I haven't read them yet.

  2. I hope Emmy's back to her old self soon. We need more pictures of her!

  3. I use the recently added to make sure I include everything in my "This Week In Books" posts, I do run into problems though when I get a TON of books that week! I like to look at the recently added in the connection news, I usually click on covers that look interesting! Hope Emmy feels better soon!

  4. Aww!! I love Emmy pics!

    And isn't Abby killing you with ER? I'm logging in 4 times a day to check if I got a book or not! Poor Abby :-)

  5. that cat looks..a wee bit...weird.

    I do know what you mean about ER..I check to see it there is a comment. Did I score a book this month? Are the new books up? I must know!

  6. Oh poor Emmy! I hope she feels better soon!

  7. Oh my gosh, she does that to get brushed??? how adorable!! love it.
    And I hope she feels better soon.


  8. Awww poor Emmy Ihope she gets to feeling better soon. I love that pictue of her. Beautiful cat. I have 3 of my own. Oh and you really should read Dewey. I think you would like it.

  9. Poor Emmy, I hope she's back to her old self soon. I love her pics. My dog lays exactly like Emmy is in this picture. However he does not like to be brushed at all-it's a battle.

  10. Thank you for all the well wishings everyone! We had a little scare yesterday (I thought she had developed a fever and took her to the vet) but she is fine. She's enough back to her old self that she chewed a big hole in our toliet paper roll (one of her favorite hobbies).

  11. Good to hear she is doing better!

  12. poor Emmy. Hopefully she'll bounce back quickly!

  13. Thank goodness Emmy's ok Lenore. Nothing scarier than when our pets are sick.

  14. lol!! cute picture, though!
    hope Emmy feels better soon! :)

  15. Emmy looks just like a sheepskin rug!

    But back to LT .... I check frequently around this time of each month too. Which is funny, since it's not "first come, first served." I'm just like a kid at Christmas and can't wait to see what's up next!


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