Monday, October 6, 2008

October Book Contests

First up, Brooke Taylor, author of Undone (which I really, really want to read), is having A Monster Month of Giveaways at her blog. EVERY Thursday during October she will be holding a contest for awesome Halloween gift baskets loaded with cool YA books and themed gifts! How cool is that? You have time to enter the first themed contest (Vampires - which includes the House of Night books and tons of other goodies) until this Thursday October 9th.
AND also not to be missed: Kelly Parra and a bunch of YA authors are sharing secrets and giving away books to celebrate the launch of her book Invisible Touch. Just go here to join in the fun!


  1. Halloween related things rule! I hadn't remembered the Halloween section at Target being as large as what I saw yesterday!

  2. They don't really have halloween in Germany so nothing much on offer here, sadly.

  3. Awesome! Thanks for telling us! =D

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  4. Thanks so much for sharing about Secret Fates!


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