Monday, December 15, 2008

If you're going to San Francisco... sure you tell your ride to park in the right terminal!

Yes, had a little adventure in the SFO airport because even though I was on a connecting flight from Atlanta, my sister-in-law parked in the International parking garage and then walked to find me. We ended up walking around lugging my suitcase full of books for a good hour and a half looking for her car. The signage is very bad (at least to a brain which hasn't slept in over 24 hours) and there was NO ONE around. It's like a ghost airport at 8 pm. Well, once we finally found the car, sister-in-law couldn't find her parking ticket. After she searched fruitlessly for a few minutes, I suggested we just drive to the ticket booth and take the consequences. Turns out they were able to tell what time she drove in by her license plate number. $14 for all that fun!

But despite that frustration at the end, I the rest of my trip went very smoothly. I watched Transsiberian, Mamma Mia, Pineapple Express and half of Baby Mama (wasn't in the mood). I also finished The Reincarnationist by MJ Rose (review, giveaway and guest blog coming up on Dec 19!) and started College Girl. My seatmate also had a stack of gossip mags and glossies that she shared with me so I'm caught up on all that. So which is it? Is Angelina having a girl? Or twins again? And is she using botox?! Say it isn't so!

I'll be back tomorrow for TuesdayThingers (and yes, there IS a new pic of Emmy), and then I'm travelling again on Wednesday (so there may not be a Waiting on Wednesday this week). Thursday I'll put my College Girl review and return to my regular commenting frequency. I have been skimming through my google reader but haven't had the chance to write more than a few comments - but I'm still out here!

One of the coolest things going on this week has to be Reviewer X's Girl Week. Check it out for a bounty of awesomeness!


  1. So glad you had a safe trip to SF!

  2. Oh no! I'm glad you finally found the car! I liked Mamma Mia (not as much as Hairspray) and definitely want to see Pineapple Express, i love those guys so we'll see how good it is, it looks a bit iffy. Loved the use of M.I.A. in the trailer though!

    I need to catch up on my celebrity gossip, haven't done that in a long time!

    Hope you are enjoying College Girl! And are having a great trip!

  3. LLLL, I have missed you!

    Thanks for the mention! <3


  4. Glad that everything turned out alright in the end and your adventure sounds interesting if not the most enjoyable. At least it makes a good story, right?

    How was Mamma Mia? I have been meaning to see it for a while, but still have not gotten around to it.

  5. Isn't it nice to fly and get some time for movie watching and reading in? Glad to know what happens when you lose your ticket. I searched for ten minutes before I finally found my parking stub last time I was at the airport.

  6. So how was Mamma Mia? I want to see it.

    I'll see you on Sunday. We're getting together to celebrate your dad and Mike's birthdays! Not sure where yet...

  7. I got lost in a crowded airport two years ago... NOT fun!

  8. Isn't Mamma Mia a cute movie?
    Enjoy the rest of your travel...

  9. Oh, now you have me scared of airports (I'm going on my first plane ride (since I was eight) in two weeks, and it is to DC). But I'm glad you eventually got there, and at the very least you got some kind of research of what you can put your characters through now. Merry Christmas.

  10. Ooh, I've been really wanting to see MAMMA MIA!. Hey, next time you come to SF stop by and we can have a book-chat. (: Hope you enjoyed your visit!


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