Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just Plane Reading

Today I will have two long flights - Frankfurt to Atlanta (approx. 10 hours) and then Atlanta to San Francisco (approx. 5 hours). I do like to indulge in the in-flight movies they offer on those cool seat back systems, but I also plan to get some reading done.

These are the books I'm carrying on:

College Girl by Patricia Weitz
The Reincarnationist by MJ Rose
The Memorist by MJ Rose
I, Lorelei by Yeardly Smith

Kind of ambitious, but we'll see!

What was the last book you read on the plane?


  1. I get most of my reading done on planes these days - all comes with too much work travel. My last trip, I finished Ambrosia, The Tenth Case and Mr. White's Confession. Have a safe trip!

  2. I finished Lament by Maggie Stiefvater. It's the perfect place to read without the kids interrupting me!

  3. I took several books for my never-happened flight to San Antonio. The Air We Breathe was read in the airport, waiting.

    SAFE TRAVELS, Lenore!

  4. I can't remember that far back! I don't think I've been on a plane for well over a year. Gosh I don't even know where I went last time I was on a plane! Hope you have a good flight and enjoy your books and movies! You'll have to let us know what you end up reading and watching! I had a grand time watching 3 movies back to back on my way back from London in 2004. :D

  5. I don't envy you those long flights. We used to do the Paris to Atlanta flight quite often (with a 5 year old) and it's not a lot of fun. I hope you have a safe trip.

  6. The last time I read on a plane was when I was 12-ish. I think I was reading a Clue book lol. I can't read when I fly now because my head always feels like its being stuffed with cotton :(

  7. I'm not too fond of flying at all. I envy you the MJ Rose books though-can't wait to see what you think of them. Safe travels Lenore.

  8. Have a safe trip! My last plane read was Savvy by Ingrid Law. I'm actually cut back my travel a bit this fall, and my reading time has suffered. But it's still good overall...

  9. Atlanta has the biggest and best airport...ever.

    The last book I read while I was on a plane was Such a Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess and accidently left it on the plane!

  10. When my sister and I flew home for Fall Break, I was reading "The Nature of Jade" by Deb Caletti, and she was reading "Bloom" by Elizabeth Scott...and we were pretty much on the same page but in different books during the whole flight. And we both finished in the time it takes to fly from NYC to Orlando haha.

  11. The last time I flew was when I was just 12 I think. I think I was reading one of those Lemony Snicket books or The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books.

  12. I haven't been on a plane in a little under two years, so I can't remember. (Last major trip we drove . . . I read Audrey, Wait!, 13 Reasons Why, Heather Brewer's books, and A Lick of Frost. I drove about half the time and spent most of my time not driving sleeping.)

  13. I hope you have a safe and smooth flight Lenore! With no delays or hassles that often come with traveling. Let us know when you are safely in San Francisco :) Hope the food was okay too :P

    I can never really read on planes, I do not know why. Either I am too tired to concentrate, or I am too excited about where I am going to concentrate. I am reading the books you gave me now though - currently reading Black Box and it is really good, very believable and makes me sad :(

  14. Believe it or not I flew for the first time in twenty five years this summer. Too nervous to read! 15 hours!

  15. I get nervous on flights even though I've been flying alone since I was 5...and it's never more than 3 hours. But I'm grateful to books so I can relax and forget where I am. Hope you enjoyed your books!

  16. The last time I was on a plane I read THE HOST by Stephenie Meyer.


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