Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (6)

Here's what I'm excited about this week:

1. Remember how I won three book contests last Friday? Well, I won two more on the weekend! I won The Agency by Ally O'Brien at Wendi's Book Corner and The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga at Morbid Romantic (I also won another copy of The Terror, but I threw it back in the hat).

2. My mailbox in Kansas had a great week. I got Genesis by Bernard Beckett (which I lusted after here), The Heights by Brian James (which I lusted after here), Prophesy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink, Geektastic by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci, and Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. I also got Need by Carrie Jones in a book swap with Sharon.

3. I won another blog award, the Your Blog is Fabulous Award from Amelia at Book Junkie, who has a very colorful blog. Thanks Amelia!

4. I went to my second pilates session this week and I am enjoying it so far. It doesn't seem like you are doing much during the class, but afterwards, you are sore in places you didn't even know you had muscles!

5. I got to meet Ann, her husband and her son. Ann contacted me after becoming a reader of my blog and realizing that we both lived in Frankfurt! She has three children's picture books that she wrote coming out soon, so we were thrilled to show her our picture book library. She also borrowed some of my YA stuff including Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley and the new Sarah Dessen Along for the Ride.

6. Kate Winslet won the Oscar! And we may go see The Reader tonight, since it finally came out here. Let's see though because I have a horrible cold.

What are you excited about this week?


  1. Wow! You go girl! Enjoy your new books!

  2. Wow, you seem to be a magnet for good books! I'm excited that I went to see a great performance of the Tempest this week. Fun!

  3. Congratulations on all of your wins. I want to see The Reader, but it's not showing here anymore. I hope it'll come back around because it's not the same watching it at home.

  4. Send some of your luck my way!! How cool is all of that? isn't it fun to meet up with new people who you have met over the internet? And the books she borrowed are on my MUST READ list!! I want to see The Reader too, I love Kate Winslet.

    Have a great Friday!!

  5. I'm excited about getting Fade!

    Oh you had a great mail week. I'm still waiting for 20 Boy Summer to show up. I can't wait to start Genesis and discuss it with you. :)

  6. Yay! Nothing really excited happened to me, I read a little more than usual? And didn't get eaten up by a snow storm!

  7. Wow, I have mailbox envy! Have a great weekend!

  8. you have geektastic TOO???? Ah, so jealous!! I'm literally dying for that one to be released. :)


  9. Thanks Lenore! Meeting you and Daniel (and Emmy!) is on my week's fabulous list too. And I'm loving the books so far. The Sarah Dessen is a super fun read, and wintergirls is intense and moving, and so important. Can't wait to start North of Beautiful tonight!

    - Ann

  10. You got Twenty Boy Summer?! -jealous- Mine is supposedly coming in the mail, but it has yet to arrive.

  11. I was very happy about Kate Winslet winning too. Congrats on the blog award and book wins!

  12. I hope you enjoy my book, Prophecy of the Sisters!

  13. And I want to add that I'm very jealous of Ann for having such a cool neighbour!


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