Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (44) + picture of Emmy

Question this week from Wendi: Were you aware of the Member Giveaways Program? Have you posted any books in the giveaway? If so, what are your thoughts on the program? Have you requested any books, and if so, did you win any?

I've looked through the books and though a few have caught my eye as something I might want to read someday, none were "must reads" so I'm letting others have a chance! It does look like a good way to send books on to new homes as every single book has been requested at least once. Maybe I'll offer a few of mine up here in Germany. I'll probably check back every once in a while, but this is nowhere as exciting to me as the ER program is.

Emmy is in love with this paper bag. She'll just lay in there for hours. Silly kitty.


  1. Awwwww. Hugs to Emmy! I love how close up this picture is!

  2. Our cats do this too! They love the way the bag crinkles!

  3. Pretty kitty! You know, blogs like yours make me want to get a cat even more..oh, the temptation! :)

  4. Why do all cats love paper? Especially if it's imortant work that they should NOT be sitting on =)
    You must be nearly running out of cute places that Emmy hides herself in!

  5. LOL. That is really cute...Emmy and the paper bag!

  6. I'm in love with Emmy. She has so much personality!

  7. Emmy, come to my house, I got candies!
    She's so cute, I never knew her eyes are blue.

  8. she is pretty....for a cat. ;-)

  9. Gotta love a cat that doesn't need much for amusement (=

  10. Awww Emmy. She definitely adds a smile to my Tuesdays!

  11. Awww. I'm in love with this kitty!

  12. I would totally get a cat! Except for my boyfriend. *sigh* He wants dogs. I wouldn't mind having both dogs and cats, but he also has an African grey parrot that's coming with him when he gets a place of his (our?) own, and he tells me he doesn't want any accidents between cat-and-bird to happen. What do you think? Is he right, or can cats and birds get along?

  13. Emmy is thrilled that you all think she's cute. She's quite a diva.

    And Steph...birds and cats don't mix. Emmy would love a birdie friend...to eat.

    Guess you'll just have to wait for that parrot to bite the dust.

  14. Awwww, what a cute pic. You can see a bit of her blue eyes there. Love it!

  15. My Coco loves plastic bags - she chews on them and sometimes licks them. Cats are such odd creatures.

  16. I agree that the ER program is more exciting, but I think that the Members giveaway is an excellent opportunity for authors (especially self-published).

    Great cat pic!

  17. I swear, cats don't get any cuter than your Emmy :D

  18. hahah, what a cutie:) my cat does the strangest things. sometimes i swear she's human.

  19. awww adorable! wish I had a cat :(

  20. Kaitlin and I anxiously await your Tuesday posts so we can see the latest picture of Emmy. Another adorable one!

  21. This is one of my favorite pics of Emmy -- she looks so comfy, and I love the close-up with a hint of her beautiful eyes!

  22. There are days during which I would very much like to have a Beth-size paper bag to crawl into.

  23. Oh my god. That is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.

  24. Aw she's too cute! My cat doesn't like to sit in bags so much as she likes to pounce on them lol.

  25. You have the best cat ever! Emmy is so cool!

  26. I always take the plastic bags away from her. Afraid of her suffocating.

    And yeah, Beth, some days I just want to crawl in a big paper bag too.

  27. She looks like she is in deep thought, trying to think of how she can look cuter. Rhonda

  28. Emmy is so beautiful Lenore!! I'm kind of amazed - the cats I know love to get in those bags and TEAR into them! :)

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week, we're taking a look at the new LT Memes. ~ Wendi


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