Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (23) The Waking: Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall

I saw over on Little Willow's Books to Read (Forthcoming Releases) list that she has read and highly recommends this November 2009 release. That in itself is reason to read it, but the cover seals the deal for me - gorgeous.

Here's the summary from amazon:

Sixteen-year-old Kara Foster is an outsider in Japan, but is doing her best to fit at the private school where her father is teaching English for the year. Fortunately she’s befriended by Sakura, a fellow outsider struggling to make sense of her sister’s unsolved murder some months ago. No one seems to care about the beautiful girl who was so brutally murdered, and the other students go on as if nothing has happened. Unfortunately, the calm doesn’t last for long. Kara begins to have nightmares, and soon other students in the school turn up dead, viciously attacked by someone . . . or something. Is Sakura getting back at those she thinks are responsible for her sister’s death? Or has her dead sister come back to take revenge for herself?

Sounds creepy! I am always drawn to stories about foreigners in Japan (since I was one for 9 months) and I hear this one has a very special cat in it too...

As always, check out Jill's post to see what books other bloggers can't wait to read.


  1. Sounds creepy! Now it is on my wish list.

    -Senfaye :)

  2. That is a great cover and a special cat?? That's awesome!

  3. Sounds absolutely great..I'm off to list it for a must-read this year!! Thanks so much!!!!

  4. It does sound good! It's a long ways away, but I look forward to reading it when I can. Nice pick!

  5. This looks awesome. I'll have to get this one when it comes out. Great pick!

  6. Sounds scary ;)
    I'll put it on my wishlist.
    which is now 1000000 books long'
    But oh well.

  7. The cover is pretty creepy too.

  8. Oooh...this one sounds good. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  9. Sounds deliciously creepy! Japanese ghost stories always frighten me the most.

  10. Lenore, I am extremely happy to hear that you are so excited about this book. :)

    Look at all of the comments - WOW! Thank you so very much for bringing the book Dreams of the Dead to everyone's attention. Not only is the book fantastically creepy, but it's the first in a series!

    We'll have more information about The Waking at the website - - in the near future.

  11. This sounds sooo good! Awesome pick! I really want a copy now. :)

  12. Hi, I have awarded you the Proximidade award. Stop by and pick up the logo,etc.

  13. This sounds interesting. I like the cover.

  14. This does sound really good Lenore. I like the cover too.

  15. This does look good, and you are right, if Little Willow says its good, I believe it!

  16. Very creepy! I love mysteries. Especially ones that take place at schools...I don't know why.

  17. I really like the cover. ^_^
    I couldn't find it on goodreads for some reason though -_-

  18. The cover for this on amazon is a different one that looks like a manga. Good thing they changed it. I am such a cover snob!

  19. Sounds great--I'll have to add it to my reading pile!

    I also wanted to let you know that I've nominated your blog for an award here.

  20. wow, creepy cover. It sounds like it matches the book.

  21. Glad they changed the cover. I don't mind manga covers but they should be on manga.

  22. We added the summary and a fantastic quote from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes to - Do you want me to let you know when the site is fully open with more content? I'd be happy to! Email me or drop me a blog comment!

  23. Oh this looks fantastic! Your WoW posts are so helpful with padding my releases list :)


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