Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (Music Extra) Tori Amos - Abnormally Attracted to Sin

Tori Amos is coming out with her 10th studio album and it drops on May 19th! How excited am I? Very!

Here's the confirmed track listing:
1. 'Give'
2. 'Welcome to England'
3. 'Strong Black Vine'
4. 'Flavor'
5. 'Not Dying Today'
6. 'Maybe California'
7. 'Curtain Call'
8. 'Fire to Your Plain'
9. 'Police Me'
10. 'That Guy'
11. 'Abnormally Attracted to Sin'
12. '500 Miles'
13. 'Mary Jane'
14. 'Starling'
15. 'Fast Horse'
16. 'Ophelia'
17. 'Lady in Blue'

She's playing a show at SXSW on March 19th with a sneak peek at some of these songs and then we'll know if this is a more girl and her piano album like her debut Little Earthquakes and Scarlett's Walk, a more rock album like From the Choirgirl Hotel or her last one American Doll Posse, or something totally different. I really hope she'll announce another tour too!


  1. She's sort of ageless isn't she!

  2. Alea, you of all people know what photoshop can do!

    But seriously, I saw her in Nov. 2007 and she looked great.

  3. LOL yes I know, but really, she always looks the same it seems like! But then again, I don't see pictures of her often!

  4. I didn't know about this!! Excellent news. I love the cover - and as always, she looks beautiful.

  5. This is exciting!!! Hopefully the album will be amazing and more girl and piano, but even if it isn't it still should be good.

  6. She is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS.

    Can't wait.

  7. woah! I hope its like Little Earthquakes!

  8. I honestly never heard of her but I will check out her songs!

  9. Ooh! We're so excited! I had no idea she had an album coming out this year...hope she tours at a time the grandparents can watch Lilah for the weekend!

  10. My friend Chelsea and I are eagerly awaiting some tour news and hopefully a stop in Kansas City. I would love to see Tori and U2 in one year.

  11. Jumping Up and Down!


    The twins' birthday is May 19th. Good day!

    I'm going to "borrow" the picture from your blog!

  12. I saw this on a couple of websites yesterday. Since you and Nick "helped" me with her music, I found out I love it. Gonna have to buy the CD!

  13. She is beautiful and her music is timeless perfection. I adore her

  14. I've got to have this one!! I can't wait!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  15. Wee! I am so ecstatic! But you knew that already!

  16. I can't believe I hadn't heard about this! I really need to keep a closer eye on music-related stuff. I know what I'm buying on the 19th.


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