Saturday, May 9, 2009

Diversity in Reading

I found this diversity meme at Nymeth's blog and Susan and Ali of Worducopia are always encouraging me to be more diverse in my reading with their joint meme CORA Diversity Roll Call, so I thought I'd give this a go and see how I'm doing.

1. Name the last book by a female author that you’ve read.
Actually, I've been reading WAY more books by women than men lately. So the last one was the last book I read!

2. Name the last book by an African or African-American author that you’ve read.
Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith in January 2009.

3. Name one from a Latino/a author.
Ok, it's been awhile from this category. The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz back in January 2008. I used to read a ton from Latin authors, so obviously I need to start seeking them out again.

4. How about one from an Asian country or Asian-American?
Got quite a few of these recently. Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon, North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley, Miles from Nowhere by Nami Mun.

5. What about a GLBT writer?
Sarah Waters (Fingersmith) is a favorite as well as Jeanette Winterson (The Passion).

6. Why not name an Israeli/Arab/Turk/Persian writer, if you’re feeling lucky?
The Septembers of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer.

7. Any other “marginalized” authors you’ve read lately?
I got this amazing picture book recently from Croatian illustrator Svjetlan Junakovic called Mali Veliki Svijet. I didn't really "read" it because i don't understand the language, but I love the illustrations!

How about you? How diverse is your reading?


  1. At first, when I saw the themes of this meme, I worried about myself, my own diversity. Then I realized I had read many of the books you've read (LOVE Sarah Waters) and that indeed I have traveled around the world with books.

    Great meme, and as always, Lenore, I love your answers.

  2. Oooh a Croatian illustrator! I wonder if my friend would like seeing that book! I do love that cover!

  3. Hi Lenore,

    Cool to read your response. Ali and I are still hoping you join us for Roll Call. Your contribution would be warmly received and sure to give us more authors and food for thought.

  4. That's a great looking whale. I loved Flygirl. So much so I checkout out Smith's Lucy the Giant from the library. I too am guilty of reading more female authors.

  5. Wow. I feel totally and utterly undiverse! I really need to get cracking on African American writers!

  6. I keep meaning to do this meme on my Diversity Rocks challenge blog but I'm so short on blogging time lately, I haven't gotten to it. Thanks for the reminder! And thanks, too, for mentioning the Roll Call meme. :-)

  7. Beth - I need to make an effort to do it more, but I am glad to see I am at least somewhat diverse!

    Alea - I saw it at Bologna last year and I had to have it. I had a friend who works at the Dutch embasssy in Croatia send it to me!

    Susan - As soon as my trips settle down a bit, I am going to join up :)

    Doret - I need to check out more books from Smith too!

    Bookworm - Me too.

    Ali - I know where you are coming from on the busy front!

  8. That illustration is gorgeous!

    I've been meaning to get my act together and do the CORA meme for so long. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. I don't think I'm a very diverse reader, not like you! My diversity comes in spurts. I have my eye on some books by diverse authors though. I just have to get around to reading them. ;)

  10. I feel zero guilt about reading more female authors. lol Look, I like guys. I prefer women. Smack me with a wet noodle.

  11. I haven't done the meme, but I did a mental check of my reading diversity, and I think I'm OK :)

    Wasn't SEPTEMBERS OF SHIRAZ a phenomenal book?!

    The cover illustration of that Croatian book is great ... glad you enjoyed the pics!


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