Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hot Topic: Deep Sea Monsters

I know I can't be the only one fascinated by the incredibly strange creatures roaming the depths of Earth's oceans. Most of them look like something straight out of a horror or science fiction movie. As scientists and explorers have been able to go deeper than ever before in recent years, we are just starting to really discover the wealth of very unusual species that lurk below...

That's why I'd like to share two of my favorite books on the subject. The first is actually a picture book by Steve Jenkins just released this week called DOWN DOWN DOWN: A JOURNEY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. It's a beautifully illustrated introduction to all of our ocean's inhabitants, starting at the surface with sharks and dolphins and progressively going deeper through the sunlit zone, the twilight zone and the dark zone until reaching the abyssal plain and then spotlighting the Marianas Trench. There is a lot of helpful scientific information presented in an easy-to-understand and fun way. Recommended for ages 4 and up.

The second is a book of extraordinary underwater photography by Claire Nouvian called THE DEEP. In addition to the jaw-dropping pictures of ferocious sea beasts (many of which are tiny in real life), there are essays by top oceanographers and marine biologists. So not only is it a blast to flip through and look at the pictures, you also learn a lot by reading the text. Recommended for ages 10 and up.


  1. In our museum they've put a to-scale giant squid in an old elevator shaft with glass so you walk up like four flights of stairs and you see this squid the whole way :)

  2. Oooh these both look interesting! I love seeing sea creatures I've never seen before. The images in the second one look amazing, like I might give a little shout when I turn the page or something. I could definitely creep out my sister with that book :P

  3. You're not the only one! Thanks for posting these great-looking books.

  4. I LOVE Deep Sea Monsters! Talk about fascinating!

  5. Awesome.

    I once went to an aquarium in Scotland that had a petting tank where you could pet rays (on their top side only!).

    This tank also had baby sharks in it. And a sign that said, "Please do not pet the sharks."

    I thought, "This country looks like the United States, but it is not the United States."

  6. You're definitely not the only one fascinated by those creatures - I am too.

  7. Those both look great. I LOVE undersea life. Staring at the sharks at the aquarium is so awesome and scary...and my fave place at Nat History Museum is the marine life part. It's just so...eerie down there. I can't explain it. But these books look wonderful, and I would buy them for any kid in my life, or,

  8. Sorry to post again--just saw Elizabeth's post. I'd probably be super tempted to pet the baby sharks. I sharks!

  9. These seem quite interesting. I don't mind educational books if the topic interests me :)

  10. These books would be perfect to have in my classroom this coming week. We are starting o our Ocean Unit! :)

  11. Sadako: Yeah, they DID look kind of cute! I was able to resist, though. But I loved petting the rays.

  12. Wow, Down Down Down looks amazing.

  13. Z and I will love checking these out ... I like any books that make science more accessible to kids and show them just how awesome it is!

  14. Kiddo and I are both "sea creature" fans. He just got a new book from his school book fair called The Octopus Garden - it looks REALLY COOL! Plus is comes with a DVD ... which we haven't watched yet.

  15. Just wanted to say that I love your blog! (This is the same girl who also writes the Snark Valley blog :) I have come across so many wonderful YA books that I feel I wouldn't have known about otherwise. Thank you and keep it up!
