Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (52) + picture of Emmy

Placeholder for Tuesday Thingers. If this isn't up, it means I haven't found an internet cafe in Lisbon yet. But at least you still get your dose of Emmy.


Here are some action shots of Emmy drinking out of our kitchen faucet.


  1. I couldn't get by without my weekly dose of Emmy. She is just precious.

  2. Emmy is super cute!
    My cat is afraid of any running water: he only dares touching the one in his bowl or in the toilet.

  3. My kitty isn't that brave. You turn on water she tends to get out of grabbing range lol. Very cute!!!

  4. I love those kitty pictures!! very sweet.

  5. Aw, so cute. I don't think I could get my cat to do that. She'd probably look at me like I was insane. My cat likes ice cubes in her water so I doubt she'd drink straight from the faucet!

  6. SO cute!
    Hope you're enjoying your holiday. Have some fun, take it easy!

  7. Emmy is so sweet. I want a cat now!

  8. Love the name! LOL! You have an award! Come check out my blog! dontlosemyplace.blogspot.com

  9. Emmy is so cute!!!

    Every time I see her I want to steal her through the internetz.

  10. I love these-how cute! Buddy sits up on the counter and waits for me to cup my hand, get him water, and then he slurps it up. It's too cute.

  11. Emmy reminds me of my cat Annabella. They have very different faces, but the same exact bodies and fur color. Great shot of her!

  12. what is it about cats and faucets? Muffin loves to drink out of the basement bathroom faucet. Hilarious!

  13. Awe Emmy, cute as ever. Mine just sit in the sink and let the water be turned on. They realize it's on about 5 minutes later. I think they have brain damage.


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