Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (30) The Day of the Pelican by Katherine Paterson

Ok, so I haven't read any recent Katherine Paterson, though I adore her classics Jacob I Have Loved and Bridge to Terabithia. But I saw this on the list of ARCs to look out for at BEA and the cover and short description (A Muslim family of Albanian refugees starts over in Vermont) just grabbed me. I once did an overnight global village immersion program at the Heifer Project International in Arkansas where I drew the short straw and had to "play" a refugee (no shelter, no food for 18 hours) and it gave me a new awareness of the plight of refugees.

Summary from amazon:

Meli Lleshi is positive that her drawing of her teacher with his pelican nose started it all. The Lleshis are Albanians living in Kosovo, a country trying to fight off Serbian oppressors, and suddenly they are homeless refugees. Old and young alike, they find their courage tested by hunger, illness, the long, arduous journey, and danger on every side. Then, unexpectedly, they are brought to America by a church group and begin a new life in a small Vermont town. The events of 9/11 bring more challenges for this Muslim family--but this country is their home now and there can be no turning back. A compassionate, powerful novel by a master storyteller.

THE DAY OF THE PELICAN comes out on October 19th, but if I'm lucky I can grab it at BEA.

Speaking of BEA...I'll have to do a wishlist next week with the signings I hope to go to and the galleys I hope to find. It's just a shame that some of the signings are at the same time. How am I supposed to pick between having Justine Larbalestier sign LIAR and Sarah Zarr sign ONCE WAS LOST?! Maybe the lines will be short? We'll see! I am just super excited to go. CATCHING FIRE, here I come!!


  1. OH my gosh, Lenore. You actually did the Heifer global village? I have always wanted to take my students. What an incredible organization. I <3 Heifer.

  2. Oh, and the book looks good, too. Jealous you're going to BEA. More jealous about the Heifer village.

  3. I'll get us some siggies from Justine (with my mom) and you get them from Sara. There! Solved!

  4. Hey Lenore,

    Are the signings both in the main signing area? if so there might be a chance at snagging both.
    xoxo Amy

  5. I really love Paterson's books and I'll be interested in reading this one.

  6. Yeah I saw this one on that list too! I'm definitely interested in Muslim or Arab fiction!

  7. I didn't realise "The Bridge to Terabithia" was a book! I've seen the film. What is Paterson's writing like?

  8. This does sound like a good book - I have The Bridge to Terabithia but haven't read it yet - my daughter really like the movie though.

  9. Aerin,

    I love Heifer too! The global village is a very exciting experience.

    I also had my grandmother donate chickens in my name as a birthday present.

  10. Steph and Amy,

    I hope we can work out something :)

  11. Kate,

    Gosh it has been soooo long since I read either book, but I know I enjoyed them. And I think they both won the Newberry so obviously a lot of people thought they were worthy.

  12. This sounds like a lovely book. I am also going to be on the lookout for it. Thanks!

  13. Lenore, you tell the most interesting stories! I can't wait to read your reports from BEA.

  14. Wow. You are going to BEA (forgive me; I've been buried in work and haven't lifted my head enough to know what is going on).

    I'm so impressed. And so jealous, too. If you happen by the HarperTeen booth, maybe you can see if any NBGs are there....

  15. It embarrasses me slightly that I didn't know she was still writing, lol. The last book of hers I read, newest, I mean, was... the Christmas stories one, sorry, I can't remember the name, I'm braindead today.

  16. I love the cover. I want to read this one too.

  17. That's what I'm hoping for some of the BEA signings I want to go to... that lines will be short enough to fit two in that had the same time slot.


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