Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (53) + picture of Emmy

Wow - I've been at this Library Thing meme for a whole year now. I didn't always include pictures of Emmy in the early days, but now it's quite the tradition that I am apparently not allowed to break.

In any case, here is the question for week 53 from Wendi:

Do you add your reviews to the books you add to your library? If so, do you put your full review on there, or a quick review (one - two paragraphs)? Do you find other people's reviews helpful? Do you know of any other ways to enter your reviews (Other than Edit Book, or Quick Edit)?

Not all the books in my library have reviews. When I started out, I tried to add reviews for books that didn't have any reviews or very few reviews. I usually cross post all my full blog reviews to LT, and if I don't, it's just because I forgot. I use my LT account for all genres, and my GoodReads account just for YA books. I only post reviews on amazon anymore if the author requests it. I do enjoy reading others reviews, especially when it's a book I've just read or one I am thinking of getting to read.

Anyone doubt that Emmy is very fluffy?


  1. I yearn to sleep upon the bed of Emmy.

  2. It looks like you are standing Emmy up behind a faux fur pillow! I love it. :)

  3. Well, Beth, we don't call her "the lazymaker" for nothing!

    That fur is all REAL and all CAT Kristen :)

  4. You definitely cannot break the Emmy tradition! I look forward to her picture every week.

  5. OMG, ADORABLE picture of Emmy. Makes me just want to snuggle with her. If only I weren't allergic to cats :-(

  6. Love the pic!

    Also, I tagged you in an Internet meme.


  7. Please keep the pictures coming! All that Emmy-fur is gorgeous! But just looking at the photo is making me sneeze!

  8. That is indeed some fluff right there.

  9. If I were a cat person, Emmy would definitely be my sort of cat. But alas, I'm a dog person.

  10. I love cats that are super furry! My cat is a short hair. Someday I'll have a long haired cat again. :P

  11. I can't handle the cuteness of your cat!!!!!!

  12. you have definitely started the Tuesday picture of Emmy "thing". Can't wait to get my weekly picture of her!

  13. Oh my goodness! It's like there's this giant ball of fluff, and then a little cat head attached at one end. Hilarious picture!

  14. Emmy is so sweet and fluffy :)

  15. What a bunch of hair!!! She's so pretty!!

  16. LOL! That pic is priceless! It reminds me of the plush dogs with huge heads and tiny bodies except that with Emmy her head looks tiny and her body is huge :) She looks pretty happy though, as though she had just gotten a tummy rub!

  17. Oh how I'd love to snuggle her belly. Buddy's hair is really soft and I just love the feel of it on my face.

  18. No, you must not ever break it! May I steal her?

  19. I totally love that picture!

  20. So cute and fluffy! I just bet she sheds a WHOLE lot though...

  21. She doesn't shed THAT much because Daniel brushes her every day. But there is a fine layer of cat hair on about everything we own.


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