Friday, August 14, 2009

Bloomsbury YA Prize Pack - Win 8 Books!

Bloomsbury is offering 1 lucky winner a pack of 6 shiny new hardcovers and 2 paperbacks. Here's what you could soon be reading:

The Waking: Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall September 29, 2009

I'm very excited about this one! It was one of my WoW picks a while back.

Sixteen-year-old Kara Foster is an outsider in Japan, but is doing her best to fit at the private school where her father is teaching English for the year. Fortunately she’s befriended by Sakura, a fellow outsider struggling to make sense of her sister’s unsolved murder some months ago. No one seems to care about the beautiful girl who was so brutally murdered, and the other students go on as if nothing has happened. Unfortunately, the calm doesn’t last for long. Kara begins to have nightmares, and soon other students in the school turn up dead, viciously attacked by someone . . . or something. Is Sakura getting back at those she thinks are responsible for her sister’s death? Or has her dead sister come back to take revenge for herself?

Find out more at:

Forest Born by Shannon Hale September 15, 2009

Rin is sure that something is wrong with her…something really bad. Something that is keeping her from feeling at home in the Forest homestead where she’s lived all her life. Something that is keeping her from trusting herself with anyone at all. When her brother Razo returns from the city for a visit, she accompanies him to the palace, hoping that she can find peace away from home. But war has come to Bayern again, and Rin is compelled to join the queen and her closest allies—magical girls Rin thinks of as the Fire Sisters—as they venture into the Forest toward Kel, the land where someone seems to want them all dead. Many beloved Bayern characters reappear in this story, but it is Rin’s own journey of discovering how to balance the good and the bad in herself that drives this compelling adventure.
Read an early review at Becky's Book Reviews.

Coffeehouse Angel by Suzanne Selfors August 21, 2009

A romantic comedy that is good to the last drop. When Katrina spots a homeless guy sleeping in the alley behind her grandmother’s coffee shop, she decides to leave him a cup of coffee, a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans, and some pastries to tide him over. Little does she know that this random act of kindness is about to turn her life upside down. Because this adorable vagrant, Malcolm, is really a guardian angel on a break between missions. And he won’t leave until he can reward Katrina’s selflessness by fulfilling her deepest desire. Now if only she could decide what that might be.

GirlForce by Nikki Goldstein May 2009

Welcome to GirlForce, an exciting new lifestyle brand for tween and teen girls that is simply irresistible. At its core, Girl Force is based on an ancient science called Ayurveda that says our bodies are made of three elemental energies: Fire, Air, and Earth. And with just two quick quizzes about body and mind you can determine your Body Type. Air girls are outgoing and creative; Fire girls are born leaders and highly passionate; and Earth girls are easygoing and make loyal friends.

Guided by these principles, and using lush, high-end photography and gorgeously designed pages, GirlForce imparts the best food, exercise, makeup, yoga, stress relievers and more for your body type. But don't just read about your type...reading your friends' types can help you figure them out too!
Find out more at:

Sprout by Dale Peck April 2009

How many secrets can you hide in plain sight? Sprout Bradford has a secret. It’s not what you think—he’ll tell you he’s gay. He’ll tell you about his dad’s drinking and his mother’s death. The green fingerprints everywhere tell you when he last dyed his hair. But neither the reader nor Sprout are prepared for what happens when Sprout suddenly finds he’s had a more profound effect on the lives around him than he ever thought possible. Sprout is both hilarious and gripping; a story of one boy at odds with the expected.

Read a review at Wondrous Reads.

My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison January 2009

This was one of my favorite reads this year - read my review.
Finding your one true love can be a Grimm experience! After her boyfriend dumps her for her older sister, sophomore Savannah Delano wishes she could find a true prince to take her to the prom. Enter Chrissy (Chrysanthemum) Everstar: Savannah's gum-chewing, cell phone carrying, high heel-wearing Fair Godmother. Showing why she's only Fair because she's not a very good fairy student, Chrissy mistakenly sends Savannah back in time to the Middle Ages, first as Cinderella, then as Snow White. Finally she sends Tristan, a boy in Savannah's class, back instead to turn him into her prom-worthy prince. When Savannah returns to the Middle Ages to save Tristan, they must team up to defeat a troll, a dragon, and the mysterious and undeniably sexy Black Knight. Laughs abound in this clever fairy tale twist from a master of romantic comedy.

Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale March 2009 (paperback publication)

When Dashti, a maid, and Lady Saren, her mistress, are shut in a tower for seven years for Saren's refusal to marry a man she despises, the two prepare for a very long and dark imprisonment. As food runs low and the days go from broiling hot to freezing cold, it is all Dashti can do to keep them fed and comfortable. But the arrival outside the tower of Saren's two suitors—one welcome, and the other decidedly less so—brings both hope and great danger, and Dashti must make the desperate choices of a girl whose life is worth more than she knows. With Shannon Hale's lyrical language, this forgotten but classic fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm is reimagined and reset on the central Asian steppes; it is a completely unique retelling filled with adventure and romance, drama and disguise

How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier September 29, 2009 (paperback publication)
Everyone in New Avalon has a fairy. Though invisible, a personal fairy is vital to success. It might determine whether you pass a math class or find the perfect outfit. But all fourteen-year-old Charlie can do is find parking spaces—and she doesn’t even drive. At first, teaming up with Fiorenza (who has an all-the-boys-like-you fairy) seems like a great idea. But when Charlie unexpectedly gets her heart’s desire, she’ll have to resort to extraordinary measures to ditch her fairy.

To enter to win, just leave a comment telling me what book published in 2009 is your favorite read so far.

As always, +1 if you link to this contest from your blog (sidebar is fine) or social media site (including Twitter) and leave me a separate comment saying so.
+1 for being a follower. Just leave me another separate comment for it to count.
This contest is open to US addresses only and ends on August 31st at 11:59 pm CST. The winner will have 48 hours to provide a shipping address or I will have to pick a new winner.


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Heather said...

Oh my gosh, my favorite book published this year? The first that comes to mind is October's Fire by Kristin Cashore. It was awesome.

Heather said...

I tweeted about the give away here.

Heather said...

And I'm going to go right now and follow you :)

Julie P. said...

Oh how I'd love to win this one!!!! I can't tell you exactly what my favorite book so far is because I have quite a few. One that stands out is THE HELP!


Julie P. said...

I just tweeted:

Julie P. said...

I am a follower too!

Stephanie said...

What a great giveaway!! So, far this year, my favorite book of 2009 is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Just loved it!!

Beth F said...

I'll go with Forest of Hands and Teeth because that's my current favorite (Note: favorite subject to change upon finishing next book.)

BFish (dot) Reads (at) gmail

Beth F said...

I follow you -- duh!

Beth F said...

Here's my Tweet link:

Lexie said...

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson, hands down wins this contest. Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder comes in a close second. With My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent in third, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Harper in fourth and I can keep going on if need be...

Lexie said...

I am a follower btw

BN Book Blog said...

Favorite book this year... such a hard question. City of Glass was amazing, but so was Eyes Like Stars, Bloodhound, Fragile Eternity, and Fire. We're not very decisive.

Beth & Nathan

BN Book Blog said...

We're followers!

Beth & Nathan

Rebecca N. said...

The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells

holdenj said...

I've read several good ones published this year, but as far as fun summer books, Twenties Girl really exceeded my expectations! Kinsella really found her groove there!

Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway! They all look awesome.

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

Rebecca N. said...

I follow your blog!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

holdenj said...

I am a follower.

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com


Rebecca N. said...

I tweeted!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

Gaby317 said...

Thanks so much - this looks great.

My favorite book so far was Damas, Dramas and Ana Ruiz by Belinda Acosta.

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Gaby317 said...

I follow

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Gaby317 said...

I'm posting a link to your contest on my blog's sidebar.

Thanks so much!

Aside from Damas, Dramas and Ana Ruiz, I also loved: Fire, Catching Fire, Al Capone Shines My Shoes, and The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.

Sandra said...

I love really morbid, creepy love stories--go figure! So I vote for You Are So Undead to Me...or The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Both are zombie stories and wonderful in their own ways.

Corinne said...

Fantastic prize pack!! My favorite book so far this year?? I think Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly :)

Sandra said...

I tweeted!

Yan said...

Graceling! But surprisingly Allen Zadoff's FOOD, GIRLS, AND OTHER THINGS I CAN'T HAVE comes in close. It was such a humorous read.

Yan said...

I follow you via google reader. I just never comment because I'm so lazy xD

Yan said...

Linking you on sidebars~

Gaby317 said...

Blogged about your contest here


gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Yan said...


WhatBriReads said...

My favorite book so far this year was either Willow or Shiver. :)


WhatBriReads said...

+1 posted in my sidebar at

WhatBriReads said...

+1 already a follower

Melanie said...

My favorite thus far has been Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. It was so fresh!

Melanie said...

I'm a follower! :)

Erica said...

Hmmm.... my favorite book BEING published this year would probably be Hush, Hush but as for books already published it would probably be a tie between Going Too Far and Ballads of Suburbia.

:) Erica

bermudaonion said...

Great giveaway! I'm not sure which one's my favorite, but I'm going to go with The School of Essential Ingredients and Galway Bay - they're very different books, but I loved them both.

bermudaonion said...

I subscribe in Google Reader and I forgot to leave my email address! milou2ster(at)

Melanie said...

I tweeted here:

Alicia said...

My favorite book of the year {so far} has been Willow by Julia Hoban!

adw7984 at gmail dot com

Nely said...

Well this is fantastic - favorite book published in 2009 - that's hard but at the moment I'm all aglow over Shiver. I just read it and loved and am so peddling it it's not even funny. :D

Count me in please.

Nely said...

I follow :D


Unknown said...

I think I will have to pick Shiver. It was amazing.

Erica said...

+1 Following

Erica said...

+1 linked on my sidebar

Unknown said...

+1 for being a follower

Anonymous said...

This is great! My favorite book published this year: when I went back to look, I realized that most of the books I've been reading are from 2008. Man! I'm behind. But my favorite that I have read would have to be If I Stay by Gayle Forman.

PJ Hoover said...

Favorite book to date is THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH. It was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

+1 for tweet!

Anonymous said...

+1 for following!

Lana said...

My favorite book published this year is definitely The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. It definitely deserves to be better known and more widely read!

For my favorite YA book published in 2009, I'm going to go with Eyes Like Stars - muddled up Shakespeare and living in a theater with rambunctious fairies from Midsummer Night's Dream!

Lana said...

I'm a follower!

Lana said...

I've linked to your contest here.

Thanks so much for this to you and Bloomsbury!

Readingjunky said...

My favorite book of 2009 is NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL.


Readingjunky said...

+1 already a follower/worshipper.


Rebs @ Book-Rants said...

My fav from this year has to be Fade by Lisa McMann & Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce

+1 follower

Cate said...

My favorite book published this year is most definitely The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale- it was witty and hilarious!


Cate said...

+1 for being a follower


Cate said...

+1 for linking on sidebar


Thao said...

My favorite 2009 book so far? It must be Ballads Of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert. It was simple mind-blowing.

Thao said...

I'm already a follower ^^

Thao said...

I linked this contest on my sidebar here:

eidolons said...

Favorite 2009 read this year so far: Naamah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey!

eidolons AT gmail DOT com

eidolons said...

I follow, too!

eidolons AT gmail DOT com

Lilixtreme said...

My favorite 2009 release read? Hmmm, has to be Catching Fire, but since I haven't read that one yet, I have to say The Kindling of Greenfyr!

Lilixtreme said...

Linked contest to my sidebar:

Lilixtreme said...

I am a follower.

Lilixtreme said...

Tweeted about contest:

Fantastic Book Review said...

+1 Great Contest!

This is sooo hard - I've read so many great books this year.

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater,If I Stay by Gayle Forman, TFOHAT by Carrie Ryan & Prey by Rachel Vincent

Fantastic Book Review said...

+1 I'm a follower

Jenna said...

My favorite book that I read that was published this year was probably The Treasure Map of Boys by E. Lockhart. It's one of my favorite series and I enjoyed the newest installment.

Jenna said...

I'm a follower. :)

Kristen said...

My favorite book published in 2009 is Catching Fire. I was lucky to nab an ARC at ALA and loved it!

Kristen said...

Tweeted about contest:

Kristen said...

I'm a follower!

Marie said...

So far my favorite book in 2009 has been Hunger Games!

Brooke Reviews said...

Favorite book so far this year, was Prey by Rachel Vincent :)


Brooke Reviews said...

I'm a follower of your blog! :)

Steph Su said...

Oh, what a difficult choice. There have been so many good books this year. I'll go with one I read recently: ASH by Malinda Lo. Haunting, beautifully written, amazing novel...a must-read for 2009!

stephxsu at gmail dot com

Steph Su said...

I linked to this giveaway in my sidebar...

Steph Su said...

And I'm a follower, of course!

Leslie said...

hmm i'd have to succubus heat the latest in the georgina kincaide series by richelle mead! ah i love seth and georgina =)

leslie-lv at hotmail dot com

Leslie said...

+1 linked to sidebar:

leslie-lv at hotmail dot com

Leslie said...

+1 became a follower

leslie-lv at hotmail dot com

Library Lounge Lizard said...

My favorite book this year so far is...(its hard to pick just one!)

Probably The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

Library Lounge Lizard said...

I'm a follower!

Library Lounge Lizard said...

I put this on my sidebar at!

Meghan said...

Catching Fire definitely! I won an ARC.

Meghan said...

+1 following you

Meghan said...

+1 tweeted:

Kelsi Rose said...

I am now a fan. Count me in.

Kelsi Rose said...

Due to a lack of funds and living in a small town, I have not been able to get my hands on any books that have been published this year. However, I would love to get my hands on Fablehaven 4. I really, really, really, want to read that book.

Test said...

My favorite book of 2009 so far would have to a tie between Fire by Krisitn Cashore or Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen.

Test said...

I'm a follower, of course.

Test said...

I have a link to this on my blog's left sidebar.

Amy said...

Love your contests! My fave book this year is king of the screwups....

Amy said...

I follow...

Anonymous said...

What Bloomsbury should be offering is an apology.


Anonymous said...

I have to give Megan McCafferty's Perfect Fifths my vote for my favorite book published so far this year :) Oh, how I love those books!

writing.meg [at]

Anonymous said...

And I follow your blog :)


kay - Infinite Shelf said...

I hope it's okay if my US address is at my mother-in-law's house? We live only 1 hour from each other and yet we're in different countries!

My favorite book published in 2009 would be a tie between The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Widow's Season.

infiniteshelf at gmail dot com

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

I follow you through RSS but now also through my new Blogger account, just to be sure! :)

infiniteshelf at gmail dot com

ANovelMenagerie said...

My favorite book of the year... hard one... This is Where I Leave You or April & Oliver or The Help!

I subscribe.

WOW. So many entries... but, the twins and I hope to win!

A Novel Menagerie

ANovelMenagerie said...

I just twittered it, but I don't know how to show you that I did. But, I did!

A Novel Menagerie

Alissa Grosso said...

Well, I'm in the middle of Shannon Hale's The Book of a Thousand Days and it is very good, but as for books I've read through, I would have to vote for The Eternal Kiss anthology edited by Trisha Telep.

Bianca said...

Favorite book this year? Probably Twenty Boy Summer.

Bianca said...

I'm a follower.

Meredith said...

I LOVED The Sorceress by Michael Scott. I was so excited to read the third book in that series!

~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

Meredith said...

I am a follower.

~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

Chelsie said...

It was an extremely hard decision but I have to choose Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty =D

<3 Chelsie

Chelsie said...

I am also a follower =D

<3 Chelsie

Unknown said...

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen and Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson. Thanks for entering me into this giveaway!

Unknown said...

Follower thanks!

Sue said...

The Sorceress by Michael Scott. Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Katie said...

Along for the Ride has been my favorite so far.

Katie said...

I'm a follower.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book that was published this year was strange angels by lily crow

+1 im following

mrsshukra said...

So far, my favorite book is Jacqui D'Alessandro's Tempted at Midnight!


mrsshukra said...

I am a follower!


Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I blogged here is the link:

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I am a follower of your blog :o)

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I loved the Hunger games but I was able to get my hands on a copy of Catching the fire (hunger games 2) and it is wonderful!!!

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

Thank you so much for this chance to win this amazing giveaway!!! YA!!!

Emily said...

Favorite book in 2009? So far it's been In the Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.


Emily said...

+1 Link on my blog sidebar


Emily said...

+1 I'm a follower


Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

My favorite book this year is one I just finished last week - Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. I loved, loved, loved it!

+1 already a follower


Anonymous said...

Mmmmhmmm, Al Capone shines my shoes.

Pam said...

My fave book published this year has to be April & Oliver by Tess Callahan. The characters were so well-developed and there was such passion in the story that my heart ached.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Andrea said...

So far my favorite book has been My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent!


Mozi Esme said...

Tough contest!

How about Tough Times, Tough People - a Chicken Soup for the Soul book?

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Linda said...

Favorite book so far this year is Fire and Ice by J.A. Jance.

Linda said...

I "twittered" you too...

Linda said...

and, since I'm your aunt, here's my third entry...

Donna (Bites) said...

Oooo, awesome contest!

I have a couple of favorites out this year . . . Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side, Tricks, Fade to Blue just to name a few.

Donna (Bites) said...

I'm already a follower.

Donna (Bites) said...

I'll be linking this in my sidebar and posting it in my Sunday Contest Slurry this Sunday.

Samantha LeAnne said...

My favorite book that has already been released this year would have to be The Siren by Kiera Cass. So beautiful, so captivating.

Samantha LeAnne said...

I am a follower

Samantha LeAnne said...

I posted on my sidebar

Samantha LeAnne said...


Cecelia said...

I think my favorite book so far this year was Nalini Singh's Angels' Blood. So, SO awesome. Made of awesome, in fact.


Cecelia said...

+1 for posting to my blog sidebar


Cecelia said...

+1 for following on Blogger


donnas said...

Please include me. I have had a few favorites this year but one of them was The Graveyard Book.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

donnas said...

I am already a follower.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Inside A Book said...

Yippee! I love contests. Best book this year; that's hard, but I'll go with North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley! Awesome.


Elaine said...

My favorite book right now is Lora Leigh's Bengal's Heart. Of course, that is likely to change when An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon is released.

Elaine said...

+1 I follow your blog using Google Reader.

Elaine said...

+1 I twitted about the contest. My twitter name is ElaineReads. What's yours?

Unknown said...

Um, I think it was published this year, it was Amberville by Tim Davys.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'm also a follower via Blogger.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Elaine said...

+1 I posted a comment about this contest on my school library's "What I Read on Summer Vacation" blog. School has just started, so this will be the first comment.

Sylvia said...

WOW!! Again, this is one amazing contest! Thanks for holding this contest:D As for the best 2009 book I've read so far, well, actually, I haven't read any yet except for Evermore, but I didn't really love it.. so can I bend the rules a little bit??:) I'll just say what I'm looking forward to reading, and it's Twenty Boy Summer!! I already have it and I'm really excited to read it, I've heard lots of great things about it:)

+1 I'm a follower:D

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Huh, my favorite book published this year? I really enjoyed Shannon Hale's Actor and the Housewife. A unique story with an interesting storyline. Thanks for the contest!


Jolynn said...

This is a Great contest!
Favorite book for 2009, is Altered Plans by Rebecca Talley.

Jolynn said...

I'm a great follower.
Jolynn_Reads @ yahoo dot com

Tali-Pop said...

My favorite book published in 2009? Let's see, there's Thirteenth Child by Patricia C. Wrede, or I could say Savvy by Ingrid Law, or... I'm just going to stop now. I could rant until you're asking about our favorite books published in 2022:). I would habe to go with Thirteenth Child though. I want Forest Born sooooooooo much!

Hailey said...

These all sound like awesome books! Please enter me.


Hailey said...

+1 I became blogger follower.


ReggieWrites said...

I'd love to win! My favorite book that was published this year is probably Academy 7. It's dark and full of friendship.

Reggie :-)

Sarah said...

I'm enjoying The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley right now, I love historical fiction.

Sarah said...

I posted the contest up on my sidebar, here

Sarah said...

+1 And I'm a follower now. :)

Thanks for the contest!
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

Lizzy said...

Hmm, my favorite book published this year...I loved the Forest of Hands and Teeth! Typically, I hate zombies of any form (bad experience after watching 28 Days Later). For some reason, I absolutely loved this book!


Lizzy said...

+1 I posted about it on my blog here:


Lizzy said...

+1 I'm a follower (of course)


Cari said...

Hello! I was able to get a hold of a copy of a Catching Fire ARC and it will be published on September 1st, 2009, so that has been my favorite so far! I only read Hunger Games a few months before that. :)

Cari said...

+1 I am a follower!
Thanks again!
neohippy10 at hotmail dot com

Anna Moore said...

My favourite read so far, by far was City of Glass or Fragile Eternity!

Also, I linked on sidebar ( & I follow :)

Emilee said...

My favorite book in 2009 so far would have to be Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen. She can do no wrong in my eyes. My copy is already well worn and loved.

D Swizzle said...

My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent. Definetly. (im a follower)

Danielleeloko78 at aol dot com

Emilee said...

I am also following you now :)

Emilee said...

And I promoted you here on my blog:

April (BooksandWine) said...

My favorite read so far has been The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss!


April (BooksandWine) said...

+1 I became a follower

April (BooksandWine) said...

+1 I added a link to the contest in my sidebar

Chick Lit Teens said...

My favorite book published in 2009 is definitely SHIVER.

Chick Lit Teens said...

+1 I follow your blog

Chick Lit Teens said...

+1 I added a link to my sidebar:

Chick Lit Teens said...

+1 I added a link to my sidebar:

annie said...

favorite book i read so far is Catching Fire!

+1 i followed you

seasecrets @

rhapsodyinbooks said...

Hard to pick a favorite! I would have to say "Star Gazing" by Linda Gillard.

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I follow you on Google reader.

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

Gosh, must I only pick one?
I would have to choose Shiver as my most favorite read so far.

+1 following


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

My favorite book so far is Bad Moon Rising by S.K.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Blogged on sidebar.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 for being a follower.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Debbie's World of Books said...

Please enter me! My favorite so far this year was either Catching Fire or The Actor and the Housewife. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

Debbie's World of Books said...

I also posted about the giveaway here:

Debbie's World of Books said...

I am also a follower. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

ilonga said...

My favorite book published this year is The Forest of Hands and Teeth.

ilonga said...

+1 for being a follower.

Cynthia said...

Cool contest. My favorite book being published this year is catching fire.

Cynthia said...

I just became a follower.

Cynthia said...

I just twitted ( cindysku)

ilonga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie said...

my favorite book published in 2009 so far has definitely got to be shiver by maggie stiefvater. strange angels by lili st. crow comes in at a close second.

ilonga said...

+1 if you link to this contest:

Katie said...

i've posted this on my sidebar as well. (

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